The Trailer is the home of Pam and Penny and is located east of the Saloon and north of the Mayor's Manor.
Robin then builds a new house for Pam (and Penny, if the player is not married to Penny). This takes three days. Note that in a multiplayer game only the host player is able to purchase this upgrade. Town ShortcutsAfter completing the community upgrade, the player may purchase for 300,...
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Each NPC has unique likes and dislikes; when married, they help with chores and add personalized areas in and out of the house. Relationships in Stardew Valley can be deep, realistic, and emotional, enhancing gameplay experience. Building a life far away from the city in Stardew Valley com...
If Pam won’t be coming to the bus for any reason, she now leaves a sign informing you and you can drive yourself to the desert. Audio changes: Made more sounds positional (mainly players, tools, and machines). Positional sounds now fade with distance when off-screen, instead of cuttin...
Penny是巴士司机Pam的女儿,父亲在她还很小的时候就因嫌弃母女俩是个累赘,抛弃她们走了。Penny家很穷(很可能是除Linus外最穷的),penny表示作 64918450 星露谷物语吧 戳破你个荷包蛋 安卓版星露谷物语 下载安装/存档移植/汉化美化/常见问题手机贴吧会屏蔽所有链接,传送门都在2楼 2885971719 星露谷物语吧 風は冷たい...
If you’re planning any kind of cool build or simply want to get your farm up and running more efficiently, you might want to consider dividing up chores and tasks amongst you and your friends. A clear goal will help you stay on task as you all inevitably getdistracted by each other’...
Stardew Valley has a memorable cast of characters with whom you can build relationships. While some are generic NPCs that fulfill a single purpose, others
Stardew Valleyfeatures two distinct Speed statistics: Weapon Speed and Player Speed. Player Speed refers tohow fast the player moves aroundtown. This can be affected positively or negatively by a variety of Buffs. SelectiveFoods and Drinks have the power to supercharge a player’s speedand help...
: Oh god, this wasn't just a nightmare. I really did just spend a night in a house with no bathroom, no kitchen, and I swear I think Lewis was looking in through the window. Ok, Dio. Get it together. I'm going to farm the poo poo out of this place, make a ton of money,...