Tags for this mod SMAPI Version 1.4 Compatible Version 1.3 (Android) Compatible Version 1.4 (Android) Compatible Description Files1 Images4 Videos0 Posts307 Logs Stats About this mod Lets you customize your character and access a wardrobe with all clothing from anywhere, or via in-game items. ...
Build and Place Anything Anywhere lets you build, farm, or place furniture / objects anywhere, including things like beds and rugs! It adds the greenhouse as a blueprint to build and adds functionalit
CropsAnytimeAnywhere DataLayers DebugMode FastAnimations HorseFluteAnywhere LookupAnything Components Framework assets docs screenshots README.md release-notes.md i18n DataParser.cs DrawHelper.cs GameHelper.cs LookupAnything.csproj ModEntry.cs manifest.json ...
HorseFluteAnywhere LookupAnything NoclipMode SkipIntro SmallBeachFarm TestDataLayersMod TestMod Tests.Common Tests.Mods TractorMod _archived .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore Directory.Build.props Directory.Packages.props LICENSE Pathoschild.Stardew.sln ...
This is a very far complex and impressive mod that adds an extensive cheat menu inside the game. You can teleport anywhere, adjust your skill levels on the fly, change the weather, freeze time, give yourself money, increase movement speed, turn on god mode, adjust fishing difficulty, make ...
Generic Mod Config Menu Horse Flute Anywhere Instant Buildings from Farm Light Switch Lookup Anything Portable Holes Reset Terrain Features Schedule Viewer Simple Screenshots Smart Building Stardew Aquarium To-Dew Tractor Mod Additionally, the mod has build-in access to certain vanilla...
MartyrPhermartyrpher on Discord Android SMAPI, Junimo Kart Anywhere Nexus GitHub u/MartyrPher SMAPI MaximillianRWmaxrw on Discord Night Owl Plus Nexus GitHub u/MaxRW9 SMAPI megmom84MegaraCassiopeia on Discord Dark Brown Interface, Crop Signs Nexus content pixels Memegicianmemegician on Dis...
TheChests Anywhere modmakes inventory management a complete non-issue, granting you access to each of your chests from anywhere on the map. Furthermore, the mod lets you access your fridge, shipping bin, and Junimo huts remotely. Completely Break the Game (in a good way) Some of the gre...
安装mod的整体流程和几年前没什么变化,但确实也基本看不到晚于2020年的星露谷物语mod安装教程了。因此在原文基础上,我作了一次更新。 简言之,星露谷打mod的流程大约是这样: 注册N网账号(当然你有别的途径下载也可以) 安装SMAPI(绝大多数mod的前置) 安装mod ...
BobberPosition(Optional)If set, the tile area within the location where the fishing rod's bobber must land to catch the fish. Defaultnull(anywhere). PlayerPosition(Optional)If set, the tile area within the location where the player must be standing to catch the fish. Defaultnull(anywhere). ...