Heart Events Two Hearts On a sunny Summer day, visit the Beach when Alex is there. ExpandDetails Four Hearts Enter town between 9am and 4pm. ExpandDetails Five Hearts Enter Alex's house when he's there. ExpandDetails Six Hearts Enter Alex's house when he's there. ExpandDetail...
Heart Events Two Hearts Enter Sam's house when he's there. Details Three Hearts In any season except winter, enter the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 3pm. This event only happens in Year 1. Details Four Hearts Enter Sam's house when he's there. Details Six Hearts On...
This guide will introduce you to every marriage candidate in Stardew Valley, together with their liked and loved gifts and heart events.
Giving Sam the right gift in Stardew Valley is a great way to boost your relationship and reach his many Heart Events.
Become close friends with Stardew Valley’s Gus, learn all of his heart events, and find out about his tumultuous friendship with Pam.
Heart Events Like other Stardew NPCs, especially Alex and Leah, players can trigger Harvey’s Heart Events at every even-numbered friendship level. Since patch 1.4, you can also unlock a 14-heart scene with Harvey. But you must choose him as your spouse before you can see it. Two-Heart...
To ensure there is still some level of immersion, of course, only one player can marry each NPC at a time, so if you all happen to want to wedStardew Valley’s Haley, you’ll have to figure out who gets to pop the question. The 14-heart event can also only be completed once per...
new 14-heart spouse events; new social NPC profiles; new Krobus relationship; new Adventurer's Guild goals; pet water bowl and petting changes; chance of double Loom output with higher-quality input. Added optional progression mode (only shows gift tastes for gifts you've already given). Added...
(男修罗场 "stardrop_gift": "",//14心伴侣送星之果实对话 "give_flowersA": "",//送花的对话 "give_flowersB": "",//同上,为版本2 "give_pendant": "",//求婚 "rejectNPCA": "",//交往被拒绝 "rejectNPCB": "",//同上,为版本2 "reject_two_heartA": "",//同上,二心以上 "reject_...
Romanceable Rasmodius builds on the narrative overhaul created by Haywrites to turn him into a marriage candidate complete with heart events, post-marriage dialogue, and festival dialogue that references your relationship. I suspect this would pair well with a mod that changes Rasmodius's portrait...