We’re excited to announce a major update to the StarCraft II Map Editor! Since Wings of Liberty, your feedback has been consistent: The Editor should be easier to use. This patch aims to address this feedback without losing depth of customization. As such, we’ve absorbed elements from t...
SC2Map文件可以放在StarCraft II\Maps目录下,用StarCraft II Editor_x64.exe关联打开,如果有梯子,编辑...
Sporting a vibrant 3D-graphics engine, StarCraft II once again centers on the clash between the protoss, terrans, and zerg, with each side deploying legions of veteran, upgraded, and new unit types. StarCraft II also features a powerful map editor that allows players to create and share ...
The StarCraft II Map Editor improves upon the World Editor from Warcraft III in every way.[5] Publishing custom maps requires a Premium account. Blizzard supports the modding community with theirs Arcade program. There are plans to allow to sell some mods the future.[87] ...
2023-08-11 (1) Ещеоднакарта EditorTest.SC2Map (230.0 KB) – 2021-08-19 Lost Sara Lost Sara.SC2Map (8.0 MB) 2020-02-21 Eine Karte für StarCraft II Small 1v1 Map SirB... (24.9 KB) 2019-04-21 Path Of Nature WDHellS-Map001.SC2Map (3.5 MB) – 2019-02...
Sticky: Starcraft 1: Episode II - Overmind By Otaconrex 2 9 11,573 2012-04-03By OtoryShigeru Sticky: Starcraft 1: Episode I - Rebel Yell By Otaconrex 2 8 9,994 2012-04-03By OtoryShigeru Sticky: Attention: ANY Map Uploaders By Shadow_Templar 9 0 7,375 2010-05-29By Shadow_Templa...
Map design inspiration based on: The original Enslavers/Dark Vengeance SC2 remake by Opugg / Opupu Starcraft: Mass Recall by the SCMR team Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the Void by Blizzard Entertainment ...
StarCraft II Beta -- Patch 13 (version General Map Publishing is now enabled: Using the map editor, you can upload your custom maps to share with the Battle.net community. Facebook feature is integrated: Here’s a quick way to expand your social network by seeing who among...
Eine Karte für StarCraft II Small 1v1 Map SirB... (24.9 KB) Path Of Nature WDHellS-Map001.SC2Map (3.5 MB) –Affluent Garden Adjusted Gardens.S... (689.6 KB) Hidden Atoll AtollUpdate.SC2Map (1.4 MB) View moreStarCraft 2 maps» ...
After ten years, Starcraft II will now only receive balance updates and fixes going forward. StarCraft 2 10-Year Anniversary Patch Adds More Map Editor Options, Achievements It's been a full decade since Blizzard began rolling out StarCraft 2 in pieces, and a big new update marks the occasion...