Through a revolutionary data representation model, an ultra-fast in-memory database, and groundbreaking Operating System, Starcounter is the first fully AI-enabled platform.
Through a revolutionary data representation model, an ultra-fast in-memory database, and groundbreaking Operating System, Starcounter is the first fully AI-enabled platform.
Starcounter specializes in next-generation enterprise software with a focus on in-memory database and application server technologies. The company offers a platform that integrates an ACID in-memory database with an application server for high performance and simplified development, aiming to reduce tota...
This is Starcounter's public repo for your questions and feedback. Create an issue inthe issue trackerif you have a question that is not covered in ourdocsor want to file a bug. Starcounter is a fused ACID memory centric database engine and C# VM that makes it easy to create fast line...
starcounter Uses gh github cli to retrieve detailed data about stars from all of a user's repositories. Then turns it into a pretty video. (Linux only, unless you really want to install ffmpeg and bash on Windows) Features usage of: stb_truetype.h olive.c rawdraw_sf.h Requirements sudo...
StarCounter 2018-8-24 10:55 来自iPhone客户端 转发微博 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 StarCounter 2018-8-24 09:23 来自iPhone客户端 转发微博 @见过世面 今日好运星座:狮子座、天蝎座、摩羯座转走今日份好...
VS2015 是现在微软公司最新也是最强大的IDE,可以开发C#、C++、VB、Android、iOS等多种语言和平台的应用...