Opened in December 2018, the Starbucks Reserve® Roastery New York City brings our great passion for coffee to the greatest city in the world.
¥30/USD 4 口味:5.0 环境:5.0 服务:5.0 每一杯咖啡都讲一个故事 STARBUCKS RESERVE ROASTERY New York 全球第四间 纽约最大的星巴克甄选旗舰店 除了超大间有三层之外 装修低调奢华 有几份暗黑与工业现代金属感 进门就能看到有一台巨型的烘豆机 走进去看更像小型的咖啡豆烘焙厂🆒 ...
为您提供Starbucks Reserve Roastery New York的人均消费、品牌简介、店铺图片、折扣优惠、用户口碑、美食攻略、菜单、订餐、预约订座、推荐菜等信息,Starbucks Reserve Roastery New York好不好,咖啡厅选择Starbucks Reserve Roastery New York怎么样?快来看看大家如何
Starbucks Reserve Roastery New York ¥196/人 美国 纽约 咖啡厅 2 3 4 8 9 0 7 8 9 去App查看全部6条精彩评论 商户相关评价 查看全部 想的灵光 2023年10月28日 打分 切尔西市场对面就是星爸爸的烘焙坊,好奇心驱使下进去逛了逛。整体风格跟上海的烘焙坊是一致的,更多起到展示和咖啡文化教育启蒙的作用。
New York Tokyo Chicago Find a location Related Stories Starbucks Reserve: Experiences FEBREWARY: A CELEBRATION OF COFFEE AT STARBUCKS RESERVE Read More Starbucks Reserve: Design Exclusive Artist Collection: Mac Blackout Read More Starbucks Reserve: ...
案例简介:今天开放,我们的纽约 @ starbucksreserve Roastery是一个前所未有的体验星巴克的地方。加入我们,我们将我们最稀有、最非凡的咖啡演绎成完美的美味表情。第9大道和第15大道 # NewYorkRoastery # StarbucksReserve 基本信息 创作者 案例详情 基本信息
Starbucks Reserve Roastery📍61 9th Ave 星巴克在纽约Chelsea的烘培工坊, 闲着没事就想来探访这家门店, 算是那些零售店中最大的一家了. 装修也是格外豪华, 员工服务质量和咖啡的味道都比平时外面那些店面的上进...
Starbucks Reserve位于250 Vesey St, New York, United States简介:250 Vesey Street, World Financial ...
Starbucks locations like Williamsburg feature the Roastery’s“reserve” coffees, and the company is looking to open as many as 1,000 of these reserve cafes over the next few years. My cup of Nicaraguan was $4 for a 12-ounce cup, and Mr. Maxwell hand-brewed it using Starbucks’s trade...
Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Shanghai, the first fully immersive coffee experience in Asia, will celebrate its historic opening tomorrow, Dec. 6, culminatin...