Highest Price Target€115.23 Average Price Target€101.83 Lowest Price Target€72.98 The highest, average, and lowest price target of all analysts. Click on ‘Top Analysts’ to focus on the best performers. Detailed List of Analyst Forecasts Ranks Any Any Analyst Rating Any Any Upside/ Down...
Rachel Ruggeri Hi, Peter. This is Rachel. Thank you for the question. We've been encouraged by the performance we've seen in North America, both on the top line and on the bottom line. And year-to-date in North America, we're sitting at about 19.9% (ph) margin with about 40 basi...
U.S. licensed stores revenue continued its momentum this quarter, up 21% from the prior year with strength across the portfolio and vending food (ph) from increases in post-COVID travel, especially return of business travel, which benefits from Starbucks Connect, our digital offering, now rolle...
Rachel Ruggeri Hi, Peter. This is Rachel. Thank you for the question. We've been encouraged by the performance we've seen in North America, both on the top line and on the bottom line. And year-to-date in North America, we're sitting at about 19.9% (ph) margin with about 40 basi...