Trenta(最后这个主要是冷饮)据说最后这个杯型的容量比正常人的胃容量还要大。 当然,你也可以直接说:small, medium, large, 或 extra-large,店员肯定也是听得懂的。 二、温度 热饮Hot Drink66℃ 冷饮Iced Drink / Cold Drink都是含冰的 去冰No Ice 少冰Easy On Ice / Light Ice 超高温Extra Hot77℃ 温热的...
除此之外,你还可以选择温度更高的咖啡(Extra Hot),或者选择往咖啡里加入一些配料,比如Whipped cream(搅打奶油)、Cinnamon(肉桂)、Raspberry(覆盆子)、Peppermint(薄荷)等。 第四步 选择咖啡浓度(Espresso shot) 第四步是选择低咖/加量浓缩咖啡。一般Tall会加入1 Shot的浓缩咖啡,Grande有2 Shot,Venti有3 Shot。 ...
small, medium, large啊,当然有的还有extra small和extra large(瑶同学就喜欢没事去tim hortons弄个XL的茶)。Starbucks的小杯叫Tall size,不过无所谓了我一般都说small coffee。 一杯咖啡税后2-4 dollar吧。 在Tim hortons和Second cup貌似点完size就差不多完事了。(默默地说句Tim hortons有的地方要告诉他放多少...
星巴克菜单上的尺寸和外面的 small 或 large 不一样,基本上分成5种: 特大杯的 Trenta 有31oz,只给冷饮包括冰茶、冰咖啡等。 3冰/热 希望饮料比一般更烫是 extra hot,多加冰则是 extra ice,少冰则可以说 less/light ice。 4加糖 星巴克菜单的甜度是以糖浆按压的次数来计算,一般 tall size 的饮品放的是...
Size 一般来说, 通常在其他家点咖啡我们会习惯叫small /medium/ large。但是星巴克小中大分别对应如(直接来源于意大利文): Short(只有热饮才会有小杯)Tall(中杯)Grande(大杯)Venti(超大杯) 好了,搞清 楚了杯型之后, 下面就该了解一下咱们常喝的 那些咖啡的名字和种类了 ( Nam es &Types) ...
If you're ordering a drink, all of the sizes cost the same amount of Stars. So a small coffee requires the same amount of Stars as an extra-large. To get the best bang for your buck (Stars), be sure to order the largest size possible. ...
A demi size we got when asked for extra milk. It looks bigger than reality. Short: 8oz [small size at Starbucks] This is the size my parents want but when they say a “small” they are sometimes given a “tall” instead of an actual short. This is what most people think of when...
When you order a Venti drink at Starbucks, you may think you’re getting extra caffeine. The barista has to be putting something in that huge cup, after all, and an extra shot or three of espresso would certainly fit. But are you really getting more caffeine when you size up?
Size 一般来说, 通常在其他家点咖啡我们会习惯叫small /medium/ large。但是星巴克小中大分别对应如(直接来源于意大利文): Short(只有热饮才会有小杯)Tall(中杯)Grande(大杯)Venti(超大杯) 好了,搞清 楚了杯型之后, 下面就该了解一下咱们常喝的 那些咖啡的名字和种类了 ( Nam es &Types) ...
Starbucks has a large selection of bottled and canned iced coffee drinks. Caffeine amounts vary. Caffeine in Starbucks Via, Bottled, and Canned Drinks BeverageSizeCaffeine Bottled Iced Espresso Classics(all flavors)12 fl oz125 mg Canned Refreshers(all flavors)12 fl oz50 mg ...