I would like a tall skinny latte with a double shot. 我要中杯脱脂拿铁,加两份浓缩。 I would like a grande decaf Mocha Frappuccino Light. 我要大杯摩卡冷饮,脱因脱脂。 选择牛奶种类 全脂牛奶 Whole Mike(total ester milk) 低脂牛奶:Lowfat 脱脂牛奶: Non-fat Milk(skinny milk) 豆奶:Soy Milk 蛋...
拿铁Latte:一杯Latte里包含了Espresso、热牛奶以及奶泡,底层是Espresso,中间部分是热牛奶,上层是奶泡。拿铁可以做成很多口味,比如香草拿铁Vanilla Latte、焦糖拿铁Caramel Latte、抹茶拿铁Green Tea Latte, 热饮或冷饮皆可。 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino:Cappuccino的成分和Latte类似,区别只是奶泡的量更多,也是冷饮和热饮都可以做。如...
这款饮品可以点冰饮/热饮/星冰乐。 糖饼干杏仁奶拿铁(Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte)从去年开始加入了节日饮品的队伍,以酥脆的Pritzen曲奇为灵感,将杏仁奶与星巴克经典金色浓缩咖啡的坚果味相搭配,再加入糖曲奇糖浆和红绿色的糖粉进行点缀,无论是从味觉上还是外观上都充满了节日氛围。 烤白巧克力摩卡(Toasted ...
Starting tomorrow, Starbucks will launch its new seasonal menu which features its first-ever vegan holiday beverage: Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte. Inspired by “spritzen” cookies, a German holiday sugar cookie, the new vegan as-is holiday beverage (which can be ordered iced or hot) is ...
This homemade version of the seasonal sugar cookie almond milk latte can be made hot or iced, making it perfect all year round! Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Starbucks Copycat Recipe Indulge in the creamy richness of a Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with this delightful copycat recipe that captur...
栗子果仁拿铁(Chestnut Praline Latte),每杯$5.75。 焦糖布丁拿铁(Caramel Brulee Latte),每杯$5.75。 糖曲奇杏仁奶拿铁(Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte),每杯$5.75。 烤白巧克力摩卡(Toasted White Chocolate Mocha),每杯$5.75。 薄荷摩卡(Peppermint Mocha),每杯$5.75。
Starbucks new Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte is the first non-dairy iced coffee beverage to join the Starbucks holiday menu, available at U.S. Starbucks stores on Nov. 4.
豆奶soy milk 椰奶coconut milk 杏仁奶 almond milk 6奶泡 7其他 除了基本的糖浆、牛奶之外,你还可以请店员帮你添加一些配料: 鲜奶油 whipped cream 淋上糖浆 caramel/chocolate/hazelnut/mocha drizzle 香料spices 饼干脆片 cookie crumbles 焦糖脆片 caramel crunch ...
第四个格子就是Milk,全脂牛奶(wholemilk),脱脂奶(non-fatmilk),低脂牛奶(2%/skinnymilk),椰奶(coconutmilk),杏仁奶(almondmilk),还有豆浆(soymilk)。 第五个格子就是Custom,意思是顾客的特别要求。比如多点奶泡(extrafoam),不要奶泡(nofoam),不要鲜奶油(no whipped cream),饮料加满(no room),饮料不要加满(wi...
two-percent milk=半脱脂牛奶 例句: I would like a tall decaf coffee. 我要中杯脱因咖啡。 I would like a tall skinny latte with a double shot. 我要中杯脱脂拿铁,加两份浓缩。 I would like a grande decaf Mocha Frappuccino Light. 我要大杯摩卡冷饮,脱因脱脂。