Star Wars: The Old Republic, simply known as SWTOR or TOR, is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) that was produced and released by BioWare, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Developed over the course of more than five years by BioWar
However, due to Chopper's sabotaging, the well projectors malfunctioned; causing two nearby Imperial light cruisers to collide with the warship, destroying them. Ezra and the rebels avoided the ensuing explosion and fled into hyperspace. When Chopper pointed out that he was the big hero of the ...
Gray has a voice-over monologue at the end that wraps everything up into a nice, tidy, hopeful thematic package, while implicitly commenting on all the characters who show up in the foreground. It's good that this series seems to care about its characters, but as I've said many times ...
There are those in the Critic’s Guild who believe Star Wars is inherently reactionary. That the original trilogy ended an era of American film – the so-called “New Hollywood” era – that at least tried to make movies with some manner of “relevance” to the society that created them,...
The warship then set forth to Yavin 4, where the Rebels were in the midst of a rushed ...
now serving an Empire without an Emperor. He struggled to maintain order, but many warship command...
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 provides with a more narrative-based single player campaign and puts you into the character of an imperial Stormtrooper (Jedi) who server the Galactic Republic of the mighty Galactic Empire. Working under the command of Chancellor Palpatine, your objectives includes the ...
Also included in the melee were a Nebula-class starship, a Miranda-class vessel, and an Oberth-class science ship in its final use. As a joke, the Millennium Falcon CG model (created for the Star Wars Special Editions) was inserted into the Borg attack, though generally indistinguishable. ...
Vessels include Starfleet designs such as the Prometheus and Nova classes, as well as threat vessels such as the implacable Borg cube and the Breen warship. • Additional maneuvers for the starship combat system allow you to perform the Riker Maneuver, Scorpion Evasives, and many other tactics...
A company known as Zanart produces licensed "blueprints" for Star Trek and Star Wars - external pictures with interesting detail call-outs. Colin Wyers describes his copy of the Star Trek set: ... it has front, top, back and side views of the Enterprise-A and Enterprise-D, as well as...