LEGO® Star Wars™ TIE Fighter en X-wing combi TIE-wing Combineer de romp van een X-wing met de vleugels van een TIE fighter. X-fighter Verbind de romp van de TIE fighter met de vleugels van een X-wing. Een cockpit die open kan Plaats een LEGO® minifiguur in de cockpit van...
星球大战:钛战机 Star Wars: TIE Fighter豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Star Wars: TIE Fighter, a 1994 space flight simulator/space combat computer game, is the sequel to Star Wars: X-Wing. It places the player in the role of an Imperial starfighter pilot during even
Recreate mash-up starfighters from the LEGO®Star Wars™: Rebuild the Galaxy™ Disney+ special with this buildable kids’ set. Play Rebuildable starfighter building toys Spark children’s creativity with this fun LEGO®Star Wars™ set featuring ‘TIE-wing’ and ‘X-fighter’ brick-built...
Star Wars: TIE Fighter: With Guy Siner, Scott Lawrence, Denny Delk, Nick Jameson. Taking on the role of a rookie Imperial pilot, the player flies various missions in a variety of campaigns as the Imperials pursue the Alliance across the galaxy.
包含4 件物品: STAR WARS™: X-Wing, STAR WARS Tie Fighter, Star Wars X-Wing Alliance, STAR WARS® X-Wing vs TIE Fighter + Balance of Power 捆绑包信息 -25% ¥ 126.00 添加至购物车 购买STAR WARS™ Classic Collection 捆绑包 (?) 包含8 件物品: STAR WARS™: X-Wing, STAR ...
战机型号为四平八稳、攻守兼备的T-65 X翼,装备完善,带有宇航维修机器人和X-wing独有的s翼伺服马达(可选择牺牲部分火力来改善战机的机动性),不仅如此,还有火力强劲的质子鱼雷,配合“天生狙击手”的原力buff使用简直如虎添翼 8楼2021-06-05 18:59 收起回复 Model932 农场土豪 9 帝国阵容:两架基础型号的TIE...
当前规格: Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing and Tie 男士纯棉T恤全网比价 美国亚马逊 最低 ¥115.16 商品介绍 完善信息 Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing and Tie 男士纯棉T恤,采用100%纯棉材质,圆领样式,图案选取星战战斗机作战场景,美国制造,可机洗。
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STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™ 动作, 模拟 ¥ 168.00 单独产品购买价格: 25% 捆绑包折扣: ¥ 126.00 您的费用: ¥ 42.00 打包购买为您节省的金额 购买STAR WARS™ X-Wing Series捆绑包(?) -25%
Take full control of different starfighter classes from both the New Republic and Imperial fleets, such as the X-wing and TIE fighter. Modify your ship, divert the power between its systems, and destroy your opponents in strategic space dogfights. ...