Ready to learn about Star Wars: The Old Republic? Get up to speed with tips, tricks, videos and written guides about SWTOR for beginners and level 80 players with Swtorista! Whether you're a brand new player or a seasoned veteran, there's thousands of ways to play the game....
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STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ - Guide du datacron de Maître Thursday, 20 June 2024 Découvrez comment obtenir et utiliser le datacron de Maître dans le marché du cartel pour faire passer votre personnage au niveau 80 dans STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™. Qu'est-ce que le ...
Begin your journey with one of eight origin stories, and follow the path of the light side or the dark side of the Force™. Wield a blaster or swing a lightsaber, fight under the banner of the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire, and experience hours worth of fully-voiced cinematic st...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) is a roleplaying game made originally for the Microsoft Xbox and later released for the PC and Mac OS X, also available on iOS and Android devices. The game was developed by BioWare and published by LucasArt
01.31.2025The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of February. Read more SWTOR Galactic Seasons Objectives: January 7 - February 17 01.07.2025The Galactic Seasons Objectives have been updated! Read more
03.11.2025The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant themed Utility Bundles and Peerless Explorer Enviro-Suit inspired by Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™ is now available on the Cartel Market! Read more The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival has returned!
Play Star Wars: The Old Republic and be the hero of your own Star Wars saga in a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts. Explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Galactic Rep
02.27.2025 The in-game events happening in Star Wars: The Old Republic for the month of March. Read more Game Update 7.6.1 Recap 02.26.2025 If you were unable to watch-or if you want a recap of everything we showed during our Game Update 7.6.1 Livestream, don't worry, we have ...
Legacy of the Sith is available to all currentStar Wars™: The Old Republic™ Subscribers. To start the new storyline, your Character must have completed the Onslaught storyline–Whispers in the Force. As the war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire intensifies, it spre...