Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and the first Star Wars film released. The film is set 19 years after the form
Climbing inside, Picard, Data and Anij are stunned to find a perfect, holographic replica of the Ba'ku village… albeit an incomplete one. Picard doesn't understand, clearly Data was shot to prevent the discovery of this giant holoship, but what is its purpose? Picard deduces that this ...
TheStar Warsuniversecontains some impressive buildings. However, in the original trilogy, it's actually the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo's non-descript yet highly tuned ship, thatprovides the most important architectural setting for the story's events, acting as the de facto base for our heroes'...
Incidentally, Jefferies' original 1968 design for the Leif Ericson was repurposed as the "hyperspace carrier Pegasus", the hero ship for George Pal's proposed War of the Worlds television series, in 1975. (Star Trek Movie Memories, 1995, p. 59; [3](X)) Concept drawings of the Ericson'...
The latest comes in the form of some concept art.If you’ll recall, not too long ago, we did a piece on a drawings that the folks at Making Star Wars put together of a royal guard of Snoke’s. The drawing was based on descriptions of the design, and it was pretty interesting to ...
there is a triangular Space Wars-style ship, 02:49 and those end up being our starting points, 02:53 and foundations for some of the ships, but then, ultimately, 02:56 we start telling each other stories about, 02:58 Well, why are these guys launched in fighters?
“Bumblebee” film, building a big, sophisticated Transformer from the ground up. And one of his most satisfying projects was working on “Galaxy Quest” and building a digital version of the ship on his computer, to help out guys he worshipped – guys who built the intricate physical ...
Osakar and some standard equipment. Unsure if ships can land. I think keeping the vertical deck layout and butt landing concept keeps the setting unique. I like the idea of the players having a ship home and they fly around doing stuff on planets. I believe PnP Rogue Trader worked like ...
Months later, Paramount changed the subtitle to The Wrath of Khan, and Meyer hated that even more but was made to live with it, although it became a moot point when Lucas changed the title of his movie to Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Meyer's original title was eventually...
Also included in the melee were a Nebula-class starship, a Miranda-class vessel, and an Oberth-class science ship in its final use. As a joke, the Millennium Falcon CG model (created for the Star Wars Special Editions) was inserted into the Borg attack, though generally indistinguishable. ...