达默龙称赫克斯为“Hugs”(抱抱),显然是对赫克斯的嘲讽。达默龙自称属于“共和国舰队”(Republic fleet),因为抵抗组织本质上是莱娅私人成立的秘密组织,并没有得到共和国官方的承认,仅得到共和国的默许和部分行星系的支持。抵抗组织本身也一直强调自己的隐秘属性,所以在明面上,抵抗组织成员依然隶属于共和国。 赫克斯称达...
CEC是“科雷利亚工程公司”的缩写,其全名最早在1987年的桌面角色扮演游戏读物《星球大战资料集》(The Star Wars Sourcebook)里提及,2014年的《埃兹拉的賭博》(Ezra's Gamble)把这个名字引入了正史。科雷利亚工程公司是银河系三大造船厂之一,另外两大是夸特动力船坞(Kuat Drive Yards)和西纳舰队系统(Sienar Fleet System...
Star Wars Armada: Sector Fleet Rules (3,4 MB) FAQ Version 5.1.1 / Effective 03/09/2020 (3 MB) Errata Version 5.4 (26 MB) Oct 2023 Rapid Reinforcements I & II (7 MB) Oct 2023 "This update contains the usual streamlined rules, clarifications, new questions, and other minor chan...
The bosses are on a much faster respawn timer and you will not have to wait long for them to respawn. As the bosses have made a return, so has the DvL currency that can be used at the DvL vendors on the Fleets. Note that Dark side bosses will drop Light Tokens and vice versa. (...
Fleet Control Posted July 27, 2011 by Alex in Development One of the goals for the next version of is to improve the way you give orders to your fleet. It’s a delicate balance – the orders you give should shape the battle, but spending too much time looking at the map and giving ...
Starsector,远行星号,实际上已经更名为“星域”,但仍然沿用以前翻译。英仙座星域就是指我们所在的这片核心区域(游戏中最中心的部分)。 以下是星域时间线的翻译。全由我一人完成,还有更为详尽的设定,请参照帖子最后提供的官网链接。 c+0 英仙座星区(星域)的星门突然停止工作,与Domain失去了联系。大量超级公司的...
modstarsector UpdatedJan 27, 2025 Java atlanticaccent/starsector-mod-manager-rust Star34 Code Issues Pull requests A mod manager for Starsector, a space fleet-battle and economics simulator. This time written in Rust. rustmod-managerstarsector ...
About StarsectorFractal Softworks' Starsector (formerly Starfarer) is a top-down space combat game. As the player, you directly control your own ship, while issuing orders to other ships in your fleet. The game is currently under heavy development, and many planned features are not yet ...
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and the first Star Wars film released. The film is set 19 years after the form
Right, so this is how development of Starsector’s ships has progressed and the big gaps in fleet lineup have been largely filled in. Again, this process largely took place without need for any kind of overarching plan, though occasionally Alex would say “hey, we need a frigate that does...