项目概况项目名称:星球大战:抵抗组织的崛起(Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance)项目位置:佛罗里达州迪士尼好莱坞影城星球大战:银河系的边缘(Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge,Disney's Hollywood Studios, Florida)/加州迪士尼乐园星球大战:银河系的边缘(Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge,Disney's Land, CA)主题背景设定:《星球...
乘坐《千年隼号》执行一项惊险刺激的互动式走私任务。 星球大战:反抗军崛起(Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance)园区 加入反叛军的行列,在战役的高潮与第一军团(First Order)进行决战! 定制商品 Savi's Workshop– Handbuilt Lightsabers 在这个秘密商店打造您专属的定制光剑,让它继续保持原力(the Force)的传统。
反抗军隐藏在黑峰站(Black Spire Outpost)外的森林中,正在招募新兵以执行秘密任务。 由于第一军团迫切地要扑灭反抗军的革命火花,任务必定会遇到意想不到的波澜。当您在运输中遭遇气势汹汹、装载了众多冲锋队员(其中甚至包括凯洛•伦(Kylo Ren)!)的第一军团《歼星战斗舰》(Star Destroyer)的堵截时,您将需要所有...
【4K60帧】第一视角:星战:反抗军崛起(Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance)|加州迪士尼主题乐园|XtremeCoasters 2.1万 9 3:44 App 【搬运】屏幕和车都正常工作,但是却亮着灯的《逃出古灵阁》-奥兰多环球影城 1万 7 3:44 App 【第一视角】超空间山 星球大战过山车迪士尼乐园 2022 2.1万 58 8:11 App 【超...
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance: Con John Boyega, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac. The Resistance needs your help. Hidden in the forest outside Black Spire Outpost, the Resistance is gathering recruits for a secret mission.
23 -- 4:38 App 奥兰多迪士尼好莱坞-星战-rise of the resistance 18.3万 1028 15:38 App 迪士尼乐园最新过山车:"抵抗组织的崛起" 史上最强设计 超强代入感 好评如潮 1.7万 43 8:11 App 【超震撼!!奥兰多迪士尼世界Hollywood Studio《星球大战:抵抗的崛起》沉浸式体验】 iPhone 12+SonyA7RII 拍摄 803 --...
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a massive attraction with multiple ride systems that is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced at Walt Disney World Resort… or anywhere else in the galaxy! Accept a Mission from the Resistance The Resistance needs your help! Hidden in the forest outside...
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a motion simulator and "trackless" dark ride in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disneyland. The attraction will put guests into the middle of a battle between the First Order (including Firs
Location: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California Height Requirement: 40 inches (102 cm) or taller Ride Duration: Approximately 18 minutes from start to finish Genie+ and Lightning Lane: Disneyland Rise of the Resistance is an Individual Lightning Lane selection, req...
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance queue It is in the otherwise-tranquil Surabat River valley, the ancient site of some of Batuu’s earliest sentient inhabitants, that the Resistance has only recently, within the past few weeks, set up (temporary) shop in the Black Spire region. Guests will...