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影片于2005年上映,以其宏大的宇宙观、精彩的视觉效果和深刻的主题赢得了众多观众的喜爱。 我这里有一份它的高清无删减的已完结完整版全集,点击[星球大战前传3:西斯的复仇 Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005).mkv]来在线观看吧~
(2005). Star wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. [Motion picture]. USA: Lucasfilm.Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 2005. Director: George Lucas. Production: Lucasfilm, Ltd. 140 min.Star Wars Episode III:Revenge of the Sith.(Widescreen DVD). . 2005...
Met Star Wars®: Episode III Revenge of the Sith™beleef je de ultieme Jedi-ervaring wanneer Anakin Skywalker en Obi-Wan Kenobi hun krachten verenigen in bloedstollende gevechten en heldhaftige lichtzwaardduels.
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the SithDirector George Lucas ILM Visual Effects Supervisor John Knoll ILM Animation Director Roger Guyett ILM Visual Effects Art Director Rob Coleman ILM Visual Effects Producer Alex Jaeger Aaron McBride Janet Lewin Jill Brooks...
星球大战 前传 3:西斯的复仇Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the SithPS2 德版 (2005)…封面载入中…
So, since I saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith last week, and since I’m a self-respecting geek, I just have to render my opinion. I’m not a manager, but I’ll use a bullet list anyway. :) Warning: Mild spoilers may follow. The Good The action sequences were almost universally...
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by George Lucas Writing Credits George Lucas ... (written by) Cast (in credits order) verified as complete Ewan...
Written and directed by George Lucas,Revenge of the Sithdepicts a galaxy at war, with massive battles on far off planets and epic duels in fantastic locales. Like theStar Warsfilms that preceded it, Episode III remained on the frontier of cinematic innovation, utilizing entirely new tools indigi...
克隆人战争已经进行了三年。现在,在共和国的首都上空,共和国的歼星舰和分裂主义联盟的战舰正进行着一场壮观的太空大战!远处贸易联盟的旗舰上,格里弗斯将军、杜库伯爵和他们的俘虏帕尔帕廷议长正准备离开。 欧比旺和阿纳金分别驾着共和国的战机去营救议长。途中遭到