Today we’re looking at two expansions for Star Wars: Shatterpoint that contain the main characters of Phoenix Squadron at the start of Season 2. These are “Make the Impossible Possible” and “Stronger than Fear”. As a disclaimer, I am employed by the Walt Disney Company, which owns Lu...
在英语里,传说里的《克隆人战争》被称为“Clone Wars”,正史里的《克隆人战争》被称为“The Clone Wars”——两者仅相差一个定冠词;在汉语里,如果要描述传说里的《克隆人战争》,我们会称之为“动画迷你剧”,如果要描述正史里的《克隆人战争》,我们会称之为“动画连续剧”。关于传说里的电影和动画片,本网有...
我觉得你是唯一那么觉得的人 赖德 Star Wars: Rebels S03E10 An Inside Man 星球大战:义军崛起 第三季第十集 内线 Uh, Ryder? Whats the plan? 呃 赖德 计划是什么 We cant outrun these guys. 我们没法甩掉这些人 Dont need to outrun em. Just have to get em up to 190. 没必要甩掉他们 只需要...
PhoenixLeader,thisisGoldSquadron. 凤♥凰♥领队这里是金色中队 We catch you at a bad time? 我们来得不是时候 Sorry about that, Gold Squadron. 抱歉 金色中队 Close call with an Imperial probe. 我们刚从帝国探测器那死里逃生 Were you detected?
While the brave bunch of Rebels is trying to complete quests to gain loot and accomplish missions to progress in the campaign, the Imperial player’s objective is to stop them at all cost. The dungeon master ultimately has limitless troops and resources at his disposal, so playing a smart ra...
An Imperial shuttle soon landed to provide supplies for the Protectors, and the rebels witnessed Rau reporting his encounter with Phoenix Squadron. With a clear link between the Protectors and the Empire, Sabine doubted that Kanan's plan will work, but nonetheless proceeded with the plan as soon...
‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’ Reportedly Back in Development ByHrvoje Milakovic Published onDecember 16, 2024 Read More‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’ Reportedly Back in Development Shawn Levy’s Star Wars Movie Moving Forward as Rey’s Film Stalls, Rumors Say ByValentina Kraljik Published onDec...
我相信你要向我汇报的情报值得我等待 The rebels of the so-called Phoenix Squadron 号hearts;称“凤hearts;凰hearts;中队”的叛军 are about to launch a major military strike against the Empire. 就要发动针对帝国的大规模军事进攻 They wouldnt dare. 他们不敢的 Oh, believe me, they would. 相信我 ...
RELATED:Star Wars Rebels: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses While Sato is not a beloved character, his death is still a heartbreaking moment. He was a brave and loyal leader of the Phoenix Squadron and always believed in and trusted the members of theGhostcrew. His sacrif...
Phoenix Squadron was largely destroyed, and Thrawn encountered a being known as the Bendu who predicted his eventual defeat. After many battles with the Rebels, Thrawn and his fleet were defeated during the liberation of Lothal by Ezra Bridger and the Purrgil. The Purrgil wrapped Thrawn in ...