Star Wars Exodus - a starwars roleplaying board. It is the place to come to read or write star wars fanfic. Or roleplay in the Starwars Universe. Exodus Star Wars Roleplaying Board was established 2003.
history of star wars the story, in broad strokes, is this: two noble knights from an order called the jedi discover a boy destined to be a powerful wielder of the mystical energy that connects the universe, called the force. one of them dies protecting him from the jedi’s evil ...
The ‘Star Wars’ universe is riddle with mysteries. Did Han shoot first? How come Chewbacca doesn’t get a medal at the end of ‘A New Hope?’ And how come Yoda insists on speaking in semi-reverse order? It’s hard not to see master Yoda as a very short font of wisdom throughout...
“OnceStar Warsrode back into town, there was no reason for general audiences to get excited about another “new”Star Trekmovie. Just asStar Trek Nemesispaled in comparison to theStar Warsprequels, theHarry Potterflicks,Spider-ManandLord of the Rings, so too doesStar Trekno longer play as...
Only this volcano had a hurricane swirling around it as the beam reacted with the air. Then the camera switched to close-up for a moment and we saw the beam blasting into the skin of the planet, hurling chunks of blazing magma into the stratosphere as the planet's crust exploded in ...
Here’s a fun question: the human brain is undoubtedly the most powerful computer in the known universe. In order to do something as simple as scratch an itch it needs to solve exquisitely complex calculus problems that would give the average supercomputer a run for its money. So how come ...