Star Destroyers that bore the distinctive wedge-shape, which came to be associated with the ship type, were in the service of the later Republic Navy around the time of the Clone Wars. The two most famous designs at the time were the Victory I- and Venator-classes, which were considered ...
Current Hide Wookieepedia Others Like You Viewed Main Page The Clone Wars: Season One Clone Wars Star Wars: Clone Wars The Clone Wars: Season Seven Top Pages this Week Anakin Skywalker 1 Darth Sidious 2 Abeloth 3 Ahsoka Tano 4 Darth Plagueis 5...
Wookieepedia, the go-to online encyclopedia for all things Star Wars, has taken a significant step forward in promoting inclusivity in the Star Wars community. In its latest update, the site has added the option for users to specify their preferred pronouns. The feature, which allows users to...
Star Wars: The Old Republic, simply known as SWTOR or TOR, is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) that was produced and released by BioWare, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Developed over the course of more than five years by BioWar
↑ "Bartyn's Landing"— Star Wars Gamer 7 External linksStar chart on WikipediaIn other languages hrvatski Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Sci-fi Star Wars Welcome to Wookieepedia! Want to share your thoughts and help make Wookie...
原文来源:wookieepedia <I>Galactic Conquest 【一】“征战银河”模式简介 The Galactic Conquest mode ...
Star Wars is the first and current licensed theme introduced in 1999. The theme is based on material from the Star Wars franchise of films, cartoon series, comic books, video games, and other media. The theme covers all nine main films, along with the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie ...
Order 66 was an event at the end of the Clone Wars in which the clones of the Grand Army ...
Learn about the organizations See more of Wikia's Star Wars Wikis Wookieepedia • Star Wars Merchandise • Star Wars Games Star Wars Fanon • Darthipedia • Indiana Jones Star Wars the Old Republic Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Expl...
( from my previous analysis of the blaster speeds in star wars ). all i really need is the scale of the objects (death stars and planet). i've looked at the size of the death star when i estimated the size of a correctly scaled lego death star . from this, the first death star ...