【Star Wars VIII星球大战8】Oscar Isaac奥斯卡伊萨克cut共计23条视频,包括:Episode.VIII.seg1-袭击00.03.09.189-、Episode.VIII.seg2-遇袭00.26.22.247-、Episode.VIII.seg3-救人00.31.43.860-等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
发布后,该视频很快在 Twitter 和 YouTube 上受到了无数人的反对,用户评论批评酒店的质量。后来的一段视频于 3 月初发布,在续集三部曲中饰演抵抗军飞行员 Poe Dameron 的奥斯卡·艾萨克(Oscar Isaac)出席了酒店体验,演员对酒店的反应很积极...
《星球大战7》(Star Wars: Episode VII)是新“星战三部曲”的第一部,由J·J·艾布拉姆斯(J.J. ...
The Skywalker appeal is huge for the “Star Wars” brand (just look at that disappointing box office of “Solo”), so will Disney really want to close the book on the Skywalker family? According to Oscar Isaac, that’s the plan. Related Stories Oscar Isaac Can’t Get Over How Good ...
二人两晚5000美元,迪士尼Star Wars酒店真香吗? 来源:场景观察 看场探店,全球飞遍。 2022年3月1日,备受关注的迪士尼沉浸式星战酒店——Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser正式开门迎客,两晚双人住宿费用高达近5000美元。 也因此,该酒店受到了多方吐槽。与此同时,其预订率确实不尽如人意,据总部位于旧金山的SFGATE 报道...
Now that we’ve finally had a chance to see some of next year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens— well, 88 seconds or so of it, anyway — Oscar Isaac has opened up about the experience of filming the first Star Wars movie in more than a decade. “It was totally like living out a...
新的这部star wars已经不是出自George之手了,即便还是出现了Han Solo(依然那么痞),Princess Leia(依然那么美)和Luke(依然那么呆)三副老面孔,并且采用了与第一部相似的故事结构,但没有了George的星战就像是没有了花椒的火锅,怎么都少点儿灵魂性的不可替代品。
takes place just before The Force Awakens. The show comes from creator Dave Filoni, who previously led theStar Wars Rebelsseries andStar Wars: The Clone Wars. While Resistance showcases new characters, it also features Poe Dameron and Capt. Phasma as voiced by Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline C...
Cast: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac The Force Awakens hailed the return of Star Wars for a new generation (as well as the existing fanbase), just as the prequels had before it, but this time it was a triumphant return to a galaxy far, far away. Not only are we reintr...