When the Walt Disney Company obtained the franchise in 2012, it aimed to consolidate and organize these stories to make room for its own Star Wars content. Thus, Disney officially split the Star Wars universe into “canon” and “legends.” Canon stories—namely all 11 movies and most major...
About the same time, Disney released Rogue One (2016) and Solo (2018) as spin-offs billed as “A Star Wars Story,” the first Star Wars movies not officially part of the Skywalker saga. Disney’s next venture, the video streaming platform Disney+, aimed to collect all of its ...
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Star Wars is one of sci-fi’s most iconic sagas, with a long history dating back to George Lucas’ franchise-spawning 1977 blockbuster Star Wars. The saga continues today with a long list of much-anticipated projects in development for TV, film, and othe
Star Wars is one of sci-fi’s most iconic sagas, with a long history dating back to George Lucas’ franchise-spawning 1977 blockbuster Star Wars. The saga continues today with a long list of much-anticipated projects in development for TV, film, and othe
There are six new Star Wars movies officially in active development. Below are those films that are getting active updates from their writers and directors, and that are backed by Lucasfilm. A list of the confirmed new Star Wars movies: ...
Watching the Star Wars movies in chronological order allows you to experience the Skywalker saga as it unfolds, getting the prequel trilogy (which didn't score highly on ourranked list) out of the way early. On the other hand, if you opt to marathon this iconic franchise in release order...
Many fans will have varying opinions of the proper way to watch the Star Wars movies in order. Because there are two different trilogies, it’s kind of a loaded question. Should you watch the newer prequels first, or watch the movies by release date? Or how about a totally different ord...
Since then, many remarkable games have been created, enacting memorable sequences from the Star Wars movies and extended timelines. Just like movies, some of these are admired more than others. So, which Star Wars-based games are worth playing? Let’s find out. Below is a list of the 12...
Between the original trilogy, the prequels, the sequels, the one-offs and TV, there's a lot of Star Wars out there. Here's how to watch all of the Star Wars movies and TV shows in chronological order (and in release order too).