Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a seven-season-long series that focuses on different aspects of the war between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. It spans three years, and fleshes out the story of the war in a manner that spans the Star Wars Galaxy and fleshes ou...
The "trench run" in A New Hope wherein Luke flies his X-wing through a "trench" on the Death Star and destroys the ship was inspired, at least in small part, by the finale of 633 Squadron, which involves several Royal Air Force planes flying at low level up a fjord against heavy,...
InStar Warscanon, the Galactic Civil War ends at theBattle of Jakkujust a year after the Battle of Endor. But it never feels more earned thanVictory's Price, when Alphabet Squadron - named after their unconventional mix A, B, U, Y, and of course X-wings - fight at Jakku.The book ta...
"After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story—however many films it took to tell—was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories that I was destined to tell. Instead, they would spring from the ...
If you want a taste of how the Star Wars Squadron campaign will play out, the single-player trailer below will give you a pretty good idea. This clip shows what a pre-mission briefing will look like, as well as some gameplay footage of the Empire attacking the New Republic. Oh, and ...
Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures Speeder Challenge Pack (Lys Solay, Kai Brightstar & Taborr) Save with Shipping, arrives in 2 days Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron - Resistance A-Wing - Series 5 Add $27.50current price $27.50Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron - Resistance A-Wing - Series 5 25...
Vader orders the entirety of Death Squadron to begin sweeping the asteroid field to find the Millennium Falcon. As the search continues, the dangers of the field begin to take their toll: an asteroid smashes into the bridge tower of a Star Destroyer, presumably killing all aboard. On the Exe...
Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron - Resistance A-Wing - Series 5 25 out of 5 Stars. 2 reviews Save with Star Wars The Mandalorian Toy 9.5-inch Action Figure Add $14.99current price $14.99Star Wars The Mandalorian Toy 9.5-inch Action Figure 74.1 out of 5 Stars. 7 reviews St...
Mandabore - In the early 2000s, the Star Wars universe was expanding. While the prequel trilogy was setting its sights on Anakin Skywalker's epic arc from go...
With the announcement of Patty Jenkins’ upcoming ‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’, my mind drifted to those X-Wing books that I never finished, hell, just because I enjoyed the first Chapter of ‘Rogue Squadron’ I bought books 2 and 3 and they never even got opened. So I did a bit of...