【传说】MC80 自由型星际巡洋舰(MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser)【生产信息】制造商(Manufacturer):===蒙卡拉马里造船厂(Mon Calamari Shipyards)路线(Line):===MC 系列星际巡洋舰(MC series Star Cruiser)型号(Model):===MC80 自由型星际巡洋舰(MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser)等级(Class):===歼星舰(Star ...
【传说】MC80 自由型星际巡洋舰(MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser) 【生产信息】 制造商(Manufacturer): ===蒙卡拉马里造船厂(Mon Calamari Shipyards) 路线(Line): ===MC 系列星际巡洋舰(MC series Star Cruiser) 型号(Model): ===MC80 自由型星际巡洋舰(MC80 Liberty Type Star Cruiser) 等级(Class): ...
On May 20, 2016 Wave 4 was announced, introducing the Interdictor and the MC80 Liberty. On July 22, 2016 The Corellian Conflict was announced, adding the first playable campaign to the game and new aces and unique squadrons for each of the fighter squadrons in the game. On August 5, ...
On May 20, 2016 Wave 4 was announced, introducing the Interdictor and the MC80 Liberty. On July 22, 2016 The Corellian Conflict was announced, adding the first playable campaign to the game and new aces and unique squadrons for each of the fighter squadrons in the game. On August 5, ...
Comparison between the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser and the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.The most prominent weapons on the second Star Destroyer model that appears in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are eight barbette mountings, each mounting eight gun-barrels, which are ...
星战蒙卡拉MC80Liberty巡洋舰 交通运输 1850款 三角星战飞船 交通运输 1850款 Martian外星战斗机器人 工业机械 595款 星战剃刀冠号星际飞船 交通运输 1850款 科幻级星战现代3DMAX下载模型 机器战士3D模型 机械 63款 该资源来自于专辑"武器"浏览专辑 激光束(Laser Beam) ...
星战蒙卡拉MC80Liberty巡洋舰 交通运输 1850款 albany奥尔巴尼号巡洋舰C4D模型 战舰/航母 101款 海盗行为(pirateship) 不明飞行物 48款 lowpoly巡洋舰艇 交通运输 1850款 C4D新东京城市建筑摩天大楼模型包 Neo Tokyo model 现代建筑 463款 免费星际争霸模型包(Free StarCraft model pack) 外星...
New MC80 model, has 10 ion cannons and 12 turbolasers. Thrawn didn't last very long against it, but that's cause he was hit by the Planetary Ion Cannon. MC80 - Liberty model https://www.moddb.com/mods/shadow-of-the-empire/addons/sote-models-pack-v2
MC80 - Liberation-class Cruiser Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser Refit Arbiter-class Star Destroyer Cabur'cal-type Battleship MC80 - Liberty-class Cruiser Neo Harrower-class Star Destroyer Galactic Republic Heroes Supreme Chancellor Bail Organa - Tech 1 ...