名稱:STAR WARS™ Rebellion 類型:策略 開發人員:Coolhand Interactive 發行商:LucasArts,Lucasfilm,Disney 系列作:Star Wars 發行日期:1998 年 2 月 28 日 檢視更新歷史記錄閱讀相關新聞檢視討論區尋找社群群組 嵌入 在Steam 上查看 Star Wars 的所有作品 ...
It is a time of great upheaval. The first Death Star has been destroyed, marking a major victory for the Rebellion. But the Empire remains strong. As commander, you must choose to take control of either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire. Your goa
InStar Wars™: Rebellion, you control the entire Galactic Empire or the fledgling Rebel Alliance. You must command starships, account for troop movements, and rally systems to your cause. Featuring more than 150 plastic miniatures and two game boards that account for thirty-two of theStar Wars...
and stay on target in the fight against the ultimate power in the universe. No matter what role in the Rebellion you take, the fate of the galaxy rests in your hands. TheStar Wars®: Age of Rebellion™ Core Rulebook provides everything you and your friends need to become heroes of ...
Star Wars ..Star Wars rebellion 星战反抗军本体开箱盒子超级大,里面东西倒不多两个大版图 是最占分量的这一堆就是帝国和反抗军交战后的残骸把模型码了一下,挺多的。做工一般,经不起细看。
Star Wars: Rebellion(2016)是一款近年饱受关注的游戏,今天的新游评测就将从背景、设计师、游戏体验等方面聚焦这款主题类游戏。 0)简介 Star Wars: Rebellion(2016),暂译星球大战:叛乱。 类型:主题类 分类:影视/科幻小说/战争游戏 机制:区域移动/投骰子/手牌管理 ...
【原创】星球大战:反抗军 Starwars Rebellion 桌面游戏 中文版规则解说 NatsumeTargaryen 【自制熟肉·中英双字幕】星球大战:反抗军·桌游 Starwars Rebellion 官方简介/教学 NatsumeTargaryen (中字)《星球大战:帝国故事》官方预告 Star Wars Tales of The Empire ...
It is a time of great upheaval. The first Death Star has been destroyed, marking a major victory for the Rebellion. But the Empire remains strong. As commander, you must choose to take control of either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire. Your goa
1. Best Overall –Star Wars: Rebellion Star Wars: Rebellionis an epic scale board game where players get to control the entire Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire arsenal. The game is epic in almost every sense. In fact, we have previously reviewed and shortlisted the game as one of thebest...
英文原版 Star Wars Age of Rebellion 星球大战 叛军时期 漫威漫画 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Greg出版社:Licensed出版时间:2019年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥246.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“华研外语旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。