The official site for Star Wars, featuring the latest news on Star Wars movies, series, video games, books, and more.
03.11.2025The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant themed Utility Bundles and Peerless Explorer Enviro-Suit inspired by Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™ is now available on the Cartel Market! Read more The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival has returned!
Star Wars is the first and current licensed theme introduced in 1999. The theme is based on material from the Star Wars franchise of films, cartoon series, comic books, video games, and other media. The theme covers all nine main films, along with the St
03.11.2025The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant themed Utility Bundles and Peerless Explorer Enviro-Suit inspired by Star Wars: Skeleton Crew™ is now available on the Cartel Market! Read more The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival has returned!
LEGO®Star Wars™ Millennium Falcon™ 的歷史:從灰色爛鐵變成至今最大型的 LEGO 套裝 LEGO®Star Wars™ 自推出的過去 20 年歷史裡,經典的 Millennium Falcon™ 出現過多個版本。 共有多少個?這說不準,除非您逐個數吧,那麼您會發現共有 12 個。
WhileStar Warswas a filmnobody wanted to make,The Empire Strikes Backwas one of the most anticipated sequels in cinema history. Like all artistic endeavors, the film evolved. Darth Vader (37-year-old spoiler alert!) wasn’t even Luke’s father inthe first draft. ...
Star Wars is a space opera saga created by George Lucas that became one of the most successful and influential multimedia franchises in entertainment history. Begun in the 1970s and ’80s and resuscitated at the turn of the 21st century, the series advan
Star Wars: Directed by George Lucas. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing. Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle stati
The icons of the original Star Wars™ trilogy have made their way onto UK coins with the launch of The Royal Mint's inaugural Star Wars coin collection dedicated to the franchise’s most legendary duos.
原文来源:Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling. Sean Guynes, Dan Hassler-Forest, Matt Hills. 2018, pp1-4, pp117-128导言:“我们来到的这个奇怪的世界是什么?”“卢克主人,对不起,我们来到的这个奇怪的世界是什么?”“难倒我了,3PO。似乎我们已经降落在某种...喜剧综艺节目星球。”这一幕出...