Star Wars Jedi: Survivor takes place five years after its predecessor, and Cal Kestis has definitely gained some new Jedi tricks during the time that has passed. While there are some returning features that you're likely to recognize and appreciate, there are also a wide variety of new mecha...
星球大战绝地:幸存者(Star Wars Jedi: Survivor)是一款由EA打造并发行的精品类型科幻IP类型动作游戏,在这款游戏中我们将成为星球大战中的角色,体验该游戏内部的开放世界,玩家可以自由探索各种行星、城市和太空站,快来试试星球大战绝地:幸存者吧! 星球大战绝地:幸存者游戏特色 1、绝地武士的体验: 玩家可以在游戏中扮...
STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor is being built for the current generation of gaming hardware to create a deeper and more expansive STAR WARS experience. Why you should play Star Wars Jedi Survivor The force is strong with this one! "With a new set of Force abilities and an expanded skill tree, ...
The story of Cal Kestis continues in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a third person galaxy-spanning action-adventure game from Respawn Entertainment, developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. This narratively-driven, single player title picks up five ye
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor8.7 3468人评价 PC XboxOne XSX PS4 PS5 29小时 标签: 动作游戏 想玩(55272) 玩过(63666) 打开游民App,点击免费领取游戏详情 短评434 评测0 攻略 资讯 专区 我的点评添加点评 登录后点评 内容简介 《星球大战绝地:幸存者》是一款以叙事为导向的单人游戏,其故事将于《星球大战 ...
《星球大战 绝地:幸存者(Star Wars Jedi: Survivor)》是由重生工作室制作,EA发行的一款动作类游戏,3DM将会带来详细的流程攻略,完善的修改器和超多有游戏MOD等辅助工具。致力于给玩家一个良好的游戏环境,最佳的游戏体验。
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was given a 2023 release window when it was announced earlier this year. Industry insider Jeff Grubb claimed the game will release in March 2023, while EA's own release calendar seems to back that with a "Major IP" release scheduled for Q4 ...
Publisher Electronic Arts and Respawn haven’t formally communicated the game’s release date elsewhere — andStar Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Steam listing has since been updated to remove those details — butEA said in November that it planned to release a “major IP” gamein its fiscal fourth qu...
《星球大战 绝地:幸存者》由游戏总监 Stig Asmussen 带领 Respawn 资深团队开发,将会扩展经典的《Star Wars》故事、世界、角色,以及在系列首作《星球大战 绝地:陨落的武士团》(Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order)里初次体验的精彩战斗。《星球大战 绝地:幸存者》专为当代游戏硬件打造,将在 2023 年游戏推出时提供全球玩...
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