Jar Jar Binks 加·加·宾克斯 Homeworld:Naboo 母星:纳布 Species:Gungan 种族:冈根人 Gender:Male ...
Star Wars actor Ahmed Best, who firstplayed Jar Jar Binks in the Prequel Trilogybut more recently portrayed Jedi Master Kelleran Beq inThe Mandalorian, wants to make a film that's essentially "Jedi John Wick". Speaking toComicBook, Best said his brief appearance...
Star Wars Episode I: Watch Out, Jar Jar!Jar Jar Binks, a clumsy Gungan, helps fight against the Trade Federation and becomes a hero.Kerry MillironBob Eggleton
其实我是先买的《Star Wars:A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy》(下简称Galaxy)这一本,这也是值得买多次推荐我却一直未能如愿买到的,终于在最近一次推荐及时看到,迅速收入……拿回家一看,Matthew Reinhart果然名不虚传。其实关注Matthew这两本星战图册已经很久,《Star Wars: A Galactic Pop-up Adventure》(下简称Galac...
Jar Jar Binks Sketch T-shirt by Heroes & Villains The latest drop in this bombad new collection of tees themed around the 25th anniversary ofStar Wars: The Phantom Menacefeatures none other than Gungan hero Jar Jar Binks. Mos Espa Podrace Diorama Building Set by LEGO ...
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace: Directed by George Lucas. With Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd. Two Jedi escape a hostile blockade to find allies and come across a young boy who may bring balance to the Force, but the l
This Jedi is named Kelleran Beq. Jar Jar Binks was a CGI creation, so he might not look familiar but Beq is played by actorAhmed Best, who was the voice and on-set actor for Jar Jar in theStar Warsprequels. Lucasfilm READ MORE:The MandalorianHas Forgotten Why People Liked It ...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars,Star Wars Rebels,Obi-Wan Kenobi,Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi,Ahsoka Expand 9Jar Jar Binks Had Lots Of Bad Dialogue Throughout The Phantom Menace “Yousa Thinking Yousa People Gonna Die?” Jar Jar Binks is a character that has generally been panned by audiences....
作为阿米达拉公主和JJ宾克斯(Jar Jar Binks)的家乡,这个星球是银河共和国里衰败的部分,也是银河帝国崛起的地方。 帕德梅·阿米达拉公主 纳布星是一个沼泽的世界,有着起伏的平原和郁郁葱葱的丘陵。由于星球大部分由水构成,来自这个星球的酒最有可能由白葡萄酒主导,充满了浓郁的热带果味,如加那利群岛的葡萄酒,由当...
The Star Wars license was the first of its kind for Lego, which had never created an official product line tied to licensed intellectual property before. In fact, the Jar Jar Binks mini figure was the first ever to feature a custom head sculpt instead of one of Lego's icon...