Star Wars is a science fiction franchise beginning in 1977 that consists of movies, TV shows, books, comic books, and a wealth of merchandise and other spin-offs. There are many connections between Star Wars and The Muppets, perhaps most notably the pres
Apprentice Maraad / Captain Joris / Imperial Scientist / Imperial Soldier / Imperial Special Forces Soldier / Imperial Trooper / Lieutenant Mei / Lieutenant Orawn / NK-33 / Private Cote / Private Ganbar / Private Wicke / Ri Farrona / Sapper / Sergeant / Sergeant Jaymis / Sergeant Pratt / ...
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Evazan's expertise was recruited by the Imperial scientist Borbo...
Film: "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" Synopsis:Renowned scientist Dr. Galen Erso was kidnapped by Orson Krennic, Director of the Imperial Advanced Weapons Research Agency and forced to develop the Death Star. Since he was having to work under duress, he implemented a specific design feature i...
Anduvil into custody, delivering them to Dr. Kaaldar, a scientist based out of the Imperial ...
EvenRogue One, which promised to deliver Star Wars from the average soldier's perspective --Saving Private Ryanin space, Lucasfilm called it -- had plenty of aristocratic attitude. The hero Jyn Erso was the daughter of a well-connected, albeit reluctant, Imperial weapons scientist. The leaders...
R2-Q5, a special edition model inspired by the Star Wars expanded universe, features a pitch-black finish with gold accents. (Adam Wilson, Sphero’s chief scientist, described it as R2D2’s Imperial-aligned “evil twin.”) It’s debuting at New York Comic Con this week, and will be av...
‘Star Wars’: Ming-Na Wen Talks ‘The Book of Boba Fett,’‘The Bad Batch’ and More Leading up to the season 1 finale, "Kamino Lost," the Bad Batch discovered Crosshair’s inhibitor chip was long gone ahead of the sharp shooter helping Imperial forces hunt down his...
Star Wars characters: 62-51 62.Admiral Piett Who is he? An Imperial officer who receives an unexpected promotion when his superior gets telepathically strangulated by Darth Vader. He wears a natty green outfit, topped off with what appears to be the Empire’s equivalent of a flat cap. ...