帝国裁判官“五哥”(Fifth Brother,别笑这名字,另外几个裁判官叫六哥七妹八弟,一样的德行)。帝国裁判官(Imperial Inquisitors)是由原力敏感者组成的银河帝国特工,隶属于一个叫做裁判所(Inquisitorius)[1] 的秘密组织。裁判官们任务就是猎捕逃过66号指令的绝地。和其他大部分裁判官一样,五哥原来也是绝地的一员(具体是...
裁判官,又被称为“真理官”(Truth officer),隶属于帝国情报部(Imperial Intelligence)下辖的秘密部门——裁判所(Inquisitorius)。裁判所的成员被分为最高裁判官(Grand Inquisitor)、高级裁判官(High Inquisitor)、首席裁判官(Chief Inquisitor)和裁判官四个级别。裁判所在帝国成立当年就已设立,由堕入黑暗面的前绝地组成。
(Truth officer),隶属于帝国情报部(Imperial Intelligence)下辖的秘密部门——裁判所(Inquisitorius)...
在英语里,传说里的《克隆人战争》被称为“Clone Wars”,正史里的《克隆人战争》被称为“The Clone Wars”——两者仅相差一个定冠词;在汉语里,如果要描述传说里的《克隆人战争》,我们会称之为“动画迷你剧”,如果要描述正史里的《克隆人战争》,我们会称之为“动画连续剧”。关于传说里的电影和动画片,本网有...
帝国步行者折纸教程Star Wars Origami Tutorial_ Imperial AT-AT Part 2 30:49 卢克·天行者飞行头盔折纸教程Luke Skywalker's Flight Helmet 13:55 安納金.天行者飞船折纸教程Anakin's Podracer 08:00 赫特人贾巴折纸教程Jabba The Hutt 20:28 残次品穿梭机折纸教程Havoc Marauder ...
Of course, these Imperial Inquisitors didn’t come out of thin air. Each of the members of this group was once affiliated with the light side of the Force, including some former Jedi. The Grand Inquisitor’s identity is mostly a mystery, however, it is known that he used to not only ...
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Purge troopers answered directly to the Imperial Inquisitors tasked with hunting down surviving Jedi and other Force sensitives. They were used as special forces and death squads, killing Jedi and any bystanders who would defend them, and some were equipped with elec...
Defender 23:25 装甲攻击坦克折纸教程 14:13 莉亚公主折纸教程 Princess Leia 14:28 帝国步行者折纸教程 33:08 帝国步行者折纸教程Star Wars Origami Tutorial_ Imperial AT-AT Part 2 30:49 卢克·天行者飞行头盔折纸教程Luke Skywalker's Flight Helmet 13:55 安納金.天行者飞船折纸教程Anakin's Podracer 08:00...
In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you’re Cal Kestis, a scrappy Jedi who survived the Empire’s purge. The goal? Stop the Empire. Of course, this is easier said than done when you’re constantly hunted by Imperial forces, including Sith Inquisitors who seem to have nothing… ...
Star Wars is the first and current licensed theme introduced in 1999. The theme is based on material from the Star Wars franchise of films, cartoon series, comic books, video games, and other media. The theme covers all nine main films, along with the St