“deathiversary,” Star Wars Galaxies Restoration (SWG Restoration) is proving once again that you can’t keep a good galaxy down. Today, they’ve unveiled Expanding Horizons, the largest update in their history. Whether you’re a longtime SWG player or new to the Restoration community, this...
Over the years, this tradition has spread across the galaxy, touching the hearts of millions (and occasionally causing a bit of chaos—this is Star Wars, after all). Thanks to the dedicated community of the Star Wars Galaxies Legends server, Life Day is back and better than ever. If you...
This RTX.conf should have most of the vanilla textures tagged appropriately, at least as far as skybox, UI, and terrain textures go. I believe the majority of particle effects are also correctly tagged as well. Keep in mind that this only applies to the vanilla game textures for the game...
In the following section i will take you through each tier indivually highlighting the skills gained within and the new systems. NOTE:This next section will not include mods or certs or schematics so dont expect them or think they have been abandoned. Message Edited by Owen-Lars on03-12-200...