821 0 10:26 App Star Wars The Force Unleashed-维达无双卡希克(最高难度) 218 0 06:54 App 【天行者传奇】卢克天行者vs达斯维达&帕尔帕廷皇帝(死星二号) 209 0 09:13 App 【天行者传奇】卢克天行者vs达斯维达(贝斯坪) 5506 8 08:16 App [星球大战] 克隆士兵 VS AT-ST 1597 0 00:27 App 走廊战神...
Become a member to see Box Office information about Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Release date 二月3, 2014(United Kingdom) Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. ...
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 手机版游戏继续演绎星战传奇。在这个游戏里,玩家将扮演达斯·维德的“神秘徒弟”,开启星球大战星系的新篇章。故事发生在《星战前传 III:西斯的复仇》和《星战前传 IV:新的希望》之间古老的时代。在游戏中,玩家将帮助反派人物达斯·维德猎杀宇宙绝地武士,还将面临关乎自身命运的抉择。
简介 The Rebel Alliance has grown following the death of Starkiller and Vader hatches an evil plan to destroy them by reinventing their founder, after the plan backfires, Vader enlists the service of a bounty hunter. 演职人员全部 Shaun Robertson导演 Carolyn Kelly饰: Juno Eclipse David Graham ...
由LucasArts制作的跨平台动作游戏《星球大战:原力释放(Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)》于2008年9月发售,包含了除PC之外的所有主流游戏平台,由于没有PC版,一直为PC玩家所诟病。现在Aspyr Media和LucasArts联合宣布将推出PC版和Mac版的《星球大战:原力释放》,而且推出的将是一个特别版,叫做《星球大战 原力释放:终极...
11. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Platform:Windows, PlayStation, Xbox 360, Mac OSX, Nintendo Those who closely follow the Star Wars universe are aware of Starkiller, a powerful force-sensitive human who was secretly raised by Darth Vader himself. The game introduces Starkiller as the main ant...
DigitalSTAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ Sale ends: 2/10/25 at 03:59 p.m. GMT+8 This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Unleash the power of the Force! You are Starkiller, Darth Vader’s secret apprentice, who has been trained to hunt down and destroy...
Before you start Star Wars The Force Unleashed Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements Operating System: Windows Vista / Windows XP / Windows 7 ( 64 Bit ) CPU: Dual Core Processor 2.4 GHz RAM: 2 GB Setup Size: 16.3GB ...
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II 动画/ 科幻 Carolyn Kelly /David Graham Ward /Eve Kristina 2014-02-03英国上映 / 45分钟 看过 简介 The Rebel Alliance has grown following the death of Starkiller and Vader hatches an evil plan to destroy them by reinventing their founder, after the plan ...