Go on an epic adventure into the one-of-a-kind cosmos of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Our comprehensive list presents a detailed exploration of each ...
2Shmi Skywalker And The Females source: remezcla.com Okay, women aren’t technically a race, but the status of female characters in the Star Wars movies deteriorated so rapidly that we can’t leave them out. In the original trilogy, we were at least given Princess Leia, a woman who was...
These two females are thus the first homosexual characters in the Star Wars universe. Juhani is actually a boy's name in Finland and Estonia. References Naturally the game features numerous references to the Star Wars movies: * The line "My name's [your character's name], I'm here to ...
That said,Star Wars: The Last Jediis certainly a “Star Wars” movie — it has the showy exterior, the Jedi lore and the central characters that fanatics have come to love over the course of decades. But where Johnson steers clear of his predecessor, J.J. Abrams (director of “Star Wa...
Oh yeah, and it has scantily clad females on the bridge (but they have an EDGE!).There's something intangibly Finnish about all Finnish movies, and this one is no exception. I don't know if it is the language, or if it is the people, or if it is the landscape perhaps it ...
So now it’s on to the really juicy stuff — Which characters are all these great actors playing??? As you all no doubt recall, Disney released a detailed casting breakdown in June of 2013: Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit. ...
Another way in which this alien race differs from Terran humans is that their females (like Sandy) can become pregnant and produce viable offspring even when they are about eighty Imperial years of age.Sandy had allegedly mastered numerous criminal skills by the time she was 17 years old. She...
Male characters have male voices and the females have female voices, and both speak the same dialog. The dialog should have been altered slightly, at least in a few places, as there is a comment early in the game about how "creepy" Jaden finds Rodians. This really doesn't make sense ...
Star Trek: The Journey to the Silver Screen– Chapter 1: "The New Frontier: Resurrecting Star Trek" (Star Trek 50th Anniversary TV and Movie CollectionBlu-rayset, bonus disc, 2016) Phase IIatForgotten Trek Star Trek: Phase IIatWikipedia...
Well, let's not male shame here. Being male doesn't make you resent females in Star Wars. Being a hate filled a-hole does. Basement dwelling shut ins who never had an intimate experience beyond their own hand are the reason Rose was marginalized and Rise of Skywalker wa...