A newStar Warsnovel is set to explore Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala's wedding day. There is a sense in which Anakin Skywalker was never truly committed to the Jedi Order; although he was attached to them on an emotional level, he was unwilling to live by their rules, and instead ...
Ever wonder how Anakin Skywalker got Padmé to fall in love with him after delivering such cheesy dialogue? Star Wars comics provide the answer!George Lucas is a man of many talents – but the creator of Star Wars got some serious flack for the dialogue he had Anakin Skywalker use in ...
I think almost every young-at-heart lady (of almost any age) can be the queen and, after some amount of hacking, also every young-at-heart gentleman (e.g: by replacing her withyoung Anakin Skywalker). That put aside, I'd love to see the queen played byTiffany Alvord, who is a ...
CONS: As has been well documented, the dialogue between Anakin (Hayden Christensen) and Padme (Natalie Portman) is so mind-meltingly awful that it’s really hard to describe…and even harder to endure in the film. And there’s a lot of it going on there. The dialogue between those two...
题目:银河系的命运 原创&整体故事构想:达斯·阿尔法 主笔:达斯·阿尔 作品:星战同人 时期:EP3—EP9 CP:Anakin Skywalker&Padme amidala、Leia Skywalker&Han solo 备注:原版耗费了我两年的心血,希望各位喜欢。这其实是第三版了,第二版我不满意开头自己删了,重修修正。 篇幅:超长篇 声明:本文纯属娱乐!尊重迪士尼...
1999 killed my love of Star Wars. I was actually kind of embarassed to say I was fan for a while. (I never stopped loving the OT, though) AOTC was ok, but nothing great. ROTS wasn't much better. By that point, I was more interested in character and ship design than anything. ...
here's a helpful hint for George; Make a Special Edition that digitally removes these scenes and instead have a Padme vs Anakin volleyball game. Anakin uses the force to take off her top and shows her "the power of the dark side." Anakin was a whiner... but hell... look who his ...
Hayden Christensen reminds me a lot of the character Robert Prescott played in "Bachelor Party," and that's not a good thing. Prescott's supposed to be comically over-the-top in his smugness and arrogance. As I understand the story of "Attack Of The Clones," young Anakin Skywalker is ...
Star Wars can really make a difference by having more than one female character. Leia was a huge boost to women. Padme was alright, until episode III, where she was a disservice to women. We NEED at least two female lead characters, and you won’t find a stronger or more defiant woman...
though Anakin getting left for dead and a week later the Emperor has a powerful new Sith Lord by his side seems like it would raise at least a few “so where did he come from?” question in the tabloids… they fight, and then part ways because the beginning and end states of the st...