大家知道5月4日是星际大战日(英语:Star Wars Day)吗?这是一个非官方纪念日,庆祝由乔治·卢卡斯所创作的电影系列《#星际大战#》。纪念日之所以选在5月4日举行是因为《星际大战》电影中的一句经典台词「愿原力与你同在」(May the Force be with you),影迷取其谐音,变成「于5月4日与你同在」(May the fourth...
Our May the 4th event has ended. Join us to celebrateStar Wars™ Day again in 2025! Stay in touch! Sign up to receive e-mail from us, so you are always the first to know about product launches, promotions and offers, special events and much more. ...
The official site for Star Wars, featuring the latest news on Star Wars movies, series, video games, books, and more.
December, “Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker”, was released in theaters. Following the previous two movies of the sequel trilogy, “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi”, the main Star Wars film franchise has come to a conclusion. So — Happy Star Wars Day this May...
5月4日 | Star Wars Day 星际大战日 点击上方“凤凰美洲”关注我们 星际大战日 「星际大战日」是一个于5月4日举办的非官方纪念日,庆祝由乔治·卢卡斯所创作的电影系列《星际大战》。庆祝该纪念日的人们透过媒体等管道来传递庆祝气氛。该纪念日选于5月4日举行的原因来自于《星际大战》电影中的一句经典台词「愿...
day on may the 4th with special deals and new lego® star wars ™ sets! showing 59 products sort by : recommended recommended newest piece count: high to low a-z filter done product type sets [ 56 ] keyrings [ 3 ] home decor [ 1 ] helmets [ 1 ] theme brickheadz [ 3 ] ...
Star Wars Day, and Star Wars Challenges: Jessica Chobot and Hector Navarro present Mothership! On this episode we watch Public Access, hear from the cast of GotG 2, and compete in a Star Wars Mothership challenge!
The other Star Wars Day celebrated in the year is May 25. It marks the release anniversary of the first movie in the series, A New Hope, in 1977. This day is also sometimes known asGeek Pride Day. May 25 is alsoTowel Day, which celebrates the hugely popular science fiction comedy, Th...
Star Wars Day 星球大战日过了,你知道吗? 五一假期过得如何? 你知道吗,两天前可是星球大战日哦!这里有星球大战的粉丝吗?🙌 快来分享你的星球大战故事吧! @venamis u/penguinyfluff @prophet_art_ u/EdgeOfTheOwl u/yaybunz @venamis