Star Wars is a science fiction franchise beginning in 1977 that consists of movies, TV shows, books, comic books, and a wealth of merchandise and other spin-offs. There are many connections between Star Wars and The Muppets, perhaps most notably the pres
Creatures Droids Factions Individuals Locations NPCs Galaxy Races and Species Spacecraft Vehicles Weapons About Welcome to the UnofficialStar Wars CombineWiki, Also known as the Compedia! You can join us on IRC ...
Iskaria is a western continent of Mairólwai that was settled by men around the age of Galdûn. The land is controlled by Gaia and many great battles have risen on this continent since the day of settlement. Horrible creatures have been spawned and ba
Warwick & Son – Warwick Davis, who played Wicket in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, dons the Ewok costume once more; this time joined by his son Harrison. Cast of Creatures – The team behind the film's memorable creatures reveal the puppetry, makeup, prosthetics and digital magic that ...
Creatures Database Wiki Facebook YouTube Channel Vote Skill Planner Swg-mtv Discord Interested in Helping? Want to do more than just play Star Wars Galaxies? We are always looking for new members to join our team. Customer Service Representatives, Event Coordinators positions available. Learn More...
Some of these creatures have made it into film, while others, because of the way stories unravel, have not (so far). But this does not mean they do not exist. For once something is created, no matter what the context, it takes on a life of its own." ―Foreword written by George ...
Due to a malfunction in the computer system in the preceding years, the native wroshyr trees grew to an immense size, causing the surface of the planet to become a wilderness of wild beasts and other creatures known as the Shadowlands. During his exile in the Shadowlands, Jedi Knight Jolee...
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an animated television series that acts as both a sequel to and a spin-off of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It focuses on the squad known as Clone Force 99, a band of genetically enhanced clone troopers. It was announced on July 13, 2020 and premiered on ...
Covering more than 3,000 characters, creatures, planets, vehicles, Droids™, weapons, technology, and more from the Star Wars™ universe, this visual tour is the ultimate compendium for the epic saga and beyond.With a full history of the galactic politics, the Jedi Council, and the ...
See also: Hazards Smoke obscures creatures' vision, causes them to choke, and burns their eyes. Keywords: Atmosphere, Natural Trigger: A creature begins its turn in Smoke. Attack: +4 vs Fortitude Defense Damage: 1d6 (-1 step on the Condition Track; Half