10. Commander Thorn Thorn was a commander of Shock Troopers that had travelled to Scipio to act as an escort for Senator Amidalla. When CIS forces arrived, he and his troops fought to the last man to hold them back. Thorn was the last man standing and took a number of shots before fi...
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones was released on VHS and DVD on November 12, 2002. The VHS included six deleted scenes and a segment of Star Wars: Connections. Attack of the Clones would be the final VHS release of any kind for Star Wars in the United States. As such, it...
The hologram of Commander Naughlen is now correctly aligned to the holo-projector at the step “Investigate Halidrell Setsyn's Corpse” of the Sith Warrior’s Class Mission “Distress call”. The hologram of Watcher Two is now correctly aligned to the holo-projector at the step “Speak to ...
Commander's Sphere 21% of 26203 decks +5% synergy Fellwar Stone 18% of 26203 decks -3% synergy Dimir Signet 18% of 1204 decks -12% synergy Gruul Signet 17% of 10112 decks +5% synergy Timeless Lotus 17% of 542 decks +3% synergy Relic of Sauron 17% of 797 decks +5% synergy Talisman...
Commander Sonak and a female officer are beaming in, but their bodies aren't re-forming properly in the transporter beam. The female officer screams horrifically, and then their bodies disappear. Starfleet tells them that they have died. With tears beginning to form in his eyes, Kirk tells ...
Rachael Ancheril (Commander Nhan) has been elevated to series regular, as of this episode's opening credits. Last week's episode was called "That Hope Is You, Part 1," but there's no "Part 2" this week, or any other week this season. I'm guessing this is the producers being coy...
Film fans know him best as Charon, the concierge-turned-sidekick of the "John Wick" movies, while gamers will remember him for years to come as Commander Zavala of the "Destiny " video game series. Reddick was discovered dead of natural causes in his home outside Los Angeles on the ...