Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated television series set between the events of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The series aired on Cartoon Network for five seasons from 2008 to 2013, while an abridged sixth season was relea...
Star Wars-related fanzinesNotes: genre is "fiction" unless indicated country of origin is USA unless indicated "multi" stands for "multi-fandom"; covers storylines other than SW The Fanlore Wiki also contains much of the same information found here. The Fan History wiki also contains ...
Star Wars is a space opera saga created by George Lucas that became one of the most successful and influential multimedia franchises in entertainment history. Begun in the 1970s and ’80s and resuscitated at the turn of the 21st century, the series advan
The official site for Star Wars, featuring the latest news on Star Wars movies, series, video games, books, and more.
(Christopher Lee) during the onset of the Clone Wars. As the war wages on, Skywalker secretly falls in love and marriesNatalie Portman’s Padmé Amidala, breaking Jedi code.Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith(2005) chronicles Skywalker’s fall to the dark side of the Force, his...
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Buy Shatterpoint from Amazon 9Victory’s Price by Alexander Freed (canon) Alphabet Squadron's finale Author Alexander Freed Publication date March 2, 2021 Stars Yrica Quell, Wyl Lark, Nath Tensent, Chass na Chadic ...
such as the animatedStar Wars Rebelsand the incredible final season ofThe Clone Wars, his insistence upon building every new series directly on the back of the last one has left theStar Warsgalaxy feeling both smaller and more confusing than it has in decades. Characters’ stories weave between...
Big fan of Andi and Anthony, the latter's been doing Star Wars reacts with Tim Gettys et al on Kinda Funny. Happy days! Feel like it's been a hot minute since we've seen Andi and Anthony (I miss the days of The Star Wars Show), so glad they'll be back, and hey, Hector...
As well as being the 21st century's most popularDoctor Who, David Tennant has appeared in Marvel'sJessica Jonesand voiced the character of Huyang inStar Wars: The Clone WarsandAhsoka. Having covered three of the most popular pop-culture franchises of all time,Star Trekis a glaring omission...
- "Over the next few years, Disney+ plans to release approximately 10 Star Wars series and 10 Marvel series, as well as 15 Disney live action, Disney Animation, and Pixar series, as well as 15 Disney live action, Disney Animation, and Pixar features—all in addition to the premium ...