Who Is She: The niece of Sugi, a bounty hunter who fans will remember from The Clone Wars, this character makes her appearance in the canon Star Wars novel Aftermath. This Zabrak woman ran away from home at a young age and was trained by her aunt to become a bounty hunter. She was ...
Pop Star Wars: R2-D2 R2-D2 is one Star Wars character that seems to find their way into every adventure. This cunning and charming figure stands 3.75 inches tall and is definitely the droid we're looking for. PurchaseView on AMAZON Photo: Funko 9 23 votes Pop Star Wars: The Force Aw...
Lee is so good, in fact, that he’s one of the few bright spots of Attack of the Clones— which is otherwise a pretty mediocre entry in the Star Wars saga — and is at his best when his character finally gets to bust out his lightsaber and start wreaking s**t. While it’s ...
Star Trek: Elite Force II is a first-person shooter video game published in 2003 by Activision as a sequel to Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force. Elite Force II is a follow-on to the hugely successful Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force. Developed by Ritual E
Itrack my reading progressover at Good Reads and, as a reward, they occasionally tell me something I don’t know already. Just last week I got a surprise from them as they let me know that Timothy Zahn is returning to theStar Wars Universeand the main character of his creation, Grand ...
Mysteries of the Sith is the expansion pack for Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II. It contains fourteen new levels, a new player character (Mara Jade), four new weapons, five new force powers, more enemies and multiplayer enhancements. The 3D...
Honestly, the only reason this movie is one step higher up the rankings than Attack of the Clones is that it at least didn’t make us sit through a bazillion senate scenes. Plus, Darth Maul is kinda cool. 10. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith Hayden Christensen in Star ...
One of the newest bounty hunters to become a fan favorite amongst theStar Warsfandom is the incredibly kick-ass Fennec Shand, a bounty hunter, mercenary, and Master assassin, who could move up the rankings of evil if more content is released surrounding her pre-Book Of Boba Fettlife. ...
Nice little Intermission sequences pop up when you locate a person or character or move onto the next level, but sometimes you may find yourself wanting bosses. Heck, Darth Vader is basically reduced to mocking the player in game over sequences.The Bottom LineStar Wars looks and sounds abou...
Those are my rankings. Which “Star Wars” films do you like? Which do you hate? How would you rank them? And remember, May the Force be with you. For the latest Disney+ news, follow us onTwitter,Facebook, andInstagram.