Watch:Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker* *Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker is available with The Disney Bundle. Access content from each service separately. The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Warsis an animated film and TV series that started afterEpisode III: Revenge of the Sith,butit...
“Star Wars Rebels” is an animated show set more than 10 years following the events of the third Star Wars movie and five years before the fourth one. This series primarily focuses on how The Rebellion began in the Star Wars universe. The show has a total of four seasons with 75 episod...
If you have Disney+, it's never been easier to marathon the Star Wars franchise. But in what order should you watch? Before you press play, here are several options for your Star Wars binge.
Star Wars: Resistance (34 ABY) (animated series) Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens (34 ABY) (movie) Star Wars: Episode VIII —The Last Jedi (34 ABY) (movie) Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker (35 ABY) (movie) Star Wars movies in order of release date (wi...
How to watch the Star Wars movies in order: chronologicalBest for: Newcomers who don't want to overcomplicate things.Why? While the original movie from 1977 was originally titled simply "Star Wars", it was later amended to be known as Star Wars: Episode 4 – A New Hope. As a result,...
Another staple of our Star Wars movies in order guide is the ultimate order. Basically, this method means you'll need to stream all 11 films to date, plus every single TV show that's ever been made. That includes all of the live-action Disney Plus TV series, animated offerings that hav...
According to Disney,Star Wars: Rebelsis set before the events ofA New Hope.The Mandaloriantakes place afterReturn of the Jedibut before theStar Wars: Resistanceanimated series. If you happen to be crazy enough to watch every movie and show in chronological order, here's what that would look ...
How to Watch the ‘Star Wars’ Movies in Order 12/22/2024 by Adam Chitwood The Wrap J.J. Abrams Akiva Goldsman Had Two Cameos In Star Trek Before He Started Writing Episodes 12/25/2024 by Witney Seibold Slash Film Gene Roddenberry Had To Fight For Jonathan Frakes' Star Trek Casting ...
RELATED: How to Watch All the DC Movies in Order, Including All the Justice League Spin-Offs Star Wars Rebels (2014) Disney This computer-animated TV series takes place about five years before the events of A New Hope. It follows a group of characters who try to do the right thing even...
What order should you watch Star Wars?(2016 TV Special) See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Cast Riz Ahmed...Self Felicity Jones...Self Diego Luna...Self Mads Mikkelsen...Self Alan Tudyk...Self Donnie Yen...Self Editing by ...