ARC lieutenant: These were the first and most common ARCs during the Clone Wars. They fought in...
Gilroy said, “George is the Alpha and the Omega, and is involved in the story from beginning to end. On The Clone Wars, that means from the initial story idea until the final sound mix” and that “just about every story now comes from ‘The Maker’ himself.”[68] ...
Some of the main arcs involved: the Bajorans growing from years under occupation by the Cardassians, eventually joining the Federation; Captain Sisko's role as the Emissary; and the build up to, eventual breakout, and aftermath of, the Dominion War. ...
Star Wars: The Old Republic, simply known as SWTOR or TOR, is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) that was produced and released by BioWare, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Developed over the course of more than five years by BioWar
(Indeed, one of the selling points of "The Chase" was that it came to involve the major Alpha Quadrant powers.) Moll only shows up in the last 10 seconds here, posing as a Trill monk, and placing some sort of tracking device on Adira. So far, the linear nature of this is too ...
It turns out, thankfully, she's not, which is confirmed in a memorable, superbly acted scene in the holodeck where Picard pulls out a phaser because he's not sure what to make of the sudden turn of events, where he and Riker are seemingly about to be charged with treason by someone...
Memory Alpha Others Like You Viewed V'ger Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Starfleet uniform (late 2270s-2350s) Starfleet uniform (mid 2270s) Top Pages this Week Q 1 Rules of Acquisition 2 Robin Lefler 3 Star Trek: The Next Generation 4 USS Enterpr...
The Bajorans occupy the Alpha Quadrant and had one of the oldest and richest cultures in Star Trek lore. Driven by a spirituality similar to Buddhism, they are a proud people who suffered greatly during the invasion by the Cardassians, who built Deep Space 9 to control the Bajorans and th...
Who would use it and how? What would change? What would lead there and do we want to do that? ContrastStar Wars, which isn’t about the social implications of lightsabers as much as it is space opera about dynasties, light fascism, and the magic of friendship. ...
Alpha 65th Coruscant Guard Hero Legion: 65th Elite Guard Heroes Fox Stone Jek Rys Thorn 442nd Hero Legion: Doom's Unit Heroes Commander Doom 21st Nova Corps Hero Legion: Galactic Marines Jet Baccara Rancor Battalion Hero Legion: Rancor Battalion Heroes Colt Havoc Hammer Blitz 327th Sta...