Star Wars has also, not surprisingly, opened the way to a myriad of space-flight simulations that take the space wars of the saga more seriously, teaching the player to fly various Star Wars starfighters along the lines of more traditional "Modern Aircraft" flight simulators. The first among...
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and the first Star Wars film released. The film is set 19 years after the formation of the Galactic Empire...
but more becauseTNGhas never really felt like *my*Star Trek. By the timeTNGcame around we had not only had sixStar Trekfilms, we had also hadBattlestar Galactica, Aliens, Terminator, and the original threeStar Warsfilms, including arguably the two best out of the entire bunch...
The Clone Wars Rebels Resistance The Bad Batch Tales of the Jedi/Empire Young Jedi Adventures Legends Droids Ewoks Clone Wars The Clone Wars Visions Games Board games Card games Miniatures games Roleplaying games Real-world attractions Video games X-Wing/TIE Fighter ...
They are forced to stay out during the night as the aircraft (snowspeeders) that the Rebels use for atmospheric flight had not yet been adapted for the extremely low temperatures of the planet and are therefore unable to mount a rescue operation. ...