Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first part of the Star Wars original trilogy and the first Star Wars film released. The film is set 19 years after the form
we seemed always on the brink of finding and scanning another even better print, which was one of the reasons we chose to do Jedi first. Four years later, however, we still didn’t have a better scan or a better print, but by then, having done The Star Wars Silver...
I had no idea it would generate this much interest. Many, many thanks indeed! I would also like to acknowledge John Williams and his orchestra for the powerful Star Wars theme music. Second, you have my sincere apology for including the galacticly-incorrect transformer bedding. This anomaly wi...
and former, that is disproportionately over-represented on all the honor rolls of the society, because of the pioneering role the company has played in the field from the year of its foundation in 1975 to this very day, not in the least for its primary account, rival franchise Star Wars....
而很可能,江湖流傳高堡奇人還寫了另一本比較不為人知的奇書,關於1977年美國導演George Lucas的心血之作《星際大戰》(Star Wars)從來就沒能拍成、歷史因而完全改寫的平行宇宙。如果你還不知道那個平行宇宙,現在就讓你看看:100種星戰不會發生的方式1.George Lucas會去拍《現代啟示錄》《教父》(The Godfather)導演...
1、《乐高星球大战:任我建历险记》(LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures)第二季已于7月31日复播: ? 7月31日播出的是第二季第3集。此后,除每周五、六、日外,将每天播出一集,直至8月16日播出第二季第13集,即第二季最后一集 分享4021 twostepsfromhell吧 1151368680 说说那些能媲美Victory和Star ...