公主闯天关(Star vs. the Forces of Evil)Season 1~4 《公主闯天关》(又名“星蝶公主”)是迪士尼电视动画制作的美国动画电视喜剧。故事讲述了外星另一时空妙尼王国 (Mewni) 上的公主星蝶按传统于十四岁生日时继承家族的传家宝物“皇家魔杖...
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Daron Nefcy, Dave Wasson, Jordana Arkin के द्वारा बनाया गया. Eden Sher, Adam McArthur, Grey Griffin, Daron Nefcy के साथ. Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live w
第9集 星蝶公主 第一季 Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1第9集 星蝶公主 第一季 8.9(5159人评价) >去 星蝶公主 第一季
第12集 星蝶公主 第一季 Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1第12集 星蝶公主 第一季 8.9(5227人评价)
Lead the great armies of the Star Wars™ Episode II: Attack of the Clones saga in intense real-time strategy clashes. Enter the fray as the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, Wookies, Trade Federation, Gungans or Royal Naboo to determine the course of the Galactic Civil War. ...
v • e • d Star vs. the Forces of Evil Songs Season 1 Meet Ludo • Stop n' Slurp Showdown • Hugs • Scum Bucket • Amethyst Arcade Fiasco • Distracted • Yard Battle • Field of Screams • Don't Listen to Her • Returnio Armius Normalrino • Spy Star ...
《星蝶公主 第一季 Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1》于2015-01-18(美国)上映。是由戴维·沃森, 皮耶罗·皮卢索执导, 由达龙·内菲斯担任主编, 演员爱登·舍尔, 亚当·麦克阿瑟, 格蕾·德丽斯勒等主演的《星蝶公主 第一季 Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 1》是一部喜剧, 动画类型电影。
Well, I was disappointed to find out that this will be the shortest season yet, but it's better than nothing! This episode features Star and Marco looking for Queen Moon. I admit there isn't much that happens during this episode. It's more of a setup for the next one. It's great...
First episode Sleepover Latest episode Butterfly Trap Appearances 2 [Source] “To all who seek the path of knowledge, listen well to this decree.Surrender to the eye of justice.Swear an oath of truth to me.” ―Box of Truth[src] The Box of Truth, also called Truth or Punishment, is...
It’s no season 1 but this show was definitely a lot of fun. The story takes place a long time after season 1. Our new main character is Wangnan who is trying to climb up the tower but he has been having a hard time so far. He owes a lot of money to the local Yakuza so ...