--outSJfilterReads Unique:对于跨越剪切位点的reads(junction reads),只考虑跨越唯一剪切位点的reads。 --outSAMmultNmax:每条reads输出比对结果的数量。 --outFileNamePrefix:输出文件前缀。 --outSAMmapqUnique 60:将uniquely mapping reads的MAPQ值调整为60,满足下游使用GATK进行分析的需要。 --readFilesCommand:对F...
这个文件中统计的read就是一对reads。并且具有唯一匹配和多个匹配的read都会分别统计。 Startedjob on|Jan0115:00:50Startedmapping on|Jan0115:01:25Finishedon|Jan0115:02:35Mappingspeed,Millionof reads per hour|426.63Numberof input reads|8295517Averageinput read length|79UNIQUEREADS:Uniquelymapped reads numbe...
$ srun--mem=128G--cpus-per-task=20--time=2:00:00--pty STAR \--runThreadN40\#线程数--runMode alignReads \#比对模式--readFilesCommand zcat \#说明你的fastq文件是压缩形式的,就是.gz结尾的,不加的话会报错--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts \#将reads比对至转录本序列--twopassMode Basic...
我们来看一下最后面的 NH:i:1HI:i:1AS:i:289nM:i:0NH:i:后面的数值代表着此条read比对到几个loci,1代表着unique map,数值大于1代表着multi-mappersHI:i:后面的数值attrbiutes enumerates multiple alignmentsofa read startingwith1,下游分析接cufflinksorstringtie的时候需要使用参数--outSAMattrIHstart0AS:i...
UNIQUE READS: Uniquely mapped reads number | 723 Uniquely mapped reads % | 0.00% Average mapped length | 67.39 Number of splices: Total | 17 Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 0 Number of splices: GT/AG | 17 Number of splices: GC/AG | 0 ...
error correction and collapsing (deduplication) of Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIa) quantification of per-cell gene expression by counting the number of reads per gene quantification of other transcriptomic features: splice junctions; pre-mRNA; spliced/unspliced reads similar to Velocyto ...
Reads length analysis of the predicted unique miRNA and star (miRNA*) sequences.Runxuan ZhangDavid MarshallGlenn J. BryanCsaba Hornyik
This does remove a lot of the complication, but it’s also what made the previous games unique. At the same time, they don’t seem to have done much else to make the game appeal to more people, as the game now feels even slower, with less to do due to the removal of these ...
UMI Deduplication. The reads with the same UMIs are counted together, that is, in order to obtain a gene’s level expression the number of different mapped UMIs is counted, instead of the number of reads. During sequencing, errors may be introduced in UMIs sequences, causing them to be co...
It’s how he’s able to make a unique identity for himself aside from being the former sick kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life. We’ve all been there. At least he’s added a little flair to his existence while he still can. ...