StarUML是一款开源的UML开发工具。StarUML是付费软件,如需破解网上很多教程。StarUML在官网免费下载,不破解不影响使用。 StarUML官方下载地址: 统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)是一种为面向对象系统的产品进行说明、可视化和编制文档的一种标准语言,是非专利的第三代建模和规约语...
StarUML is an open source software modeling tool that supports the UML (Unified Modeling Language) framework for system and software modeling. It is based on UML version 1.4, provides eleven different types of diagram and it accepts UML 2.0 notation. It actively supports the MDA (Model Driven ...
1. 利用快捷键重新打开工具栏。尝试不同的快捷键,如Ctrl+Shift+T,来重新打开工具栏。2. 点击视图菜单。点击StarUML的视图菜单,选择“工具箱”选项,可以在工具栏再次显示出来。3. 切换至其他模式再切回来。切换至其他模式,比如选择“时序图”,再切换回UML模式,以此来重新打开工具栏。如果以上方法...
SitecoreUML is an architecture visualization tool that enables architects and developers to visualize existing Sitecore architectures in UML and to create, visualize and deploy new Sitecore template architectures directly from their UML diagrams. It even has the power to generate MSDN-style documentation ...
在UML类图中使用实心菱形和实线箭头表示,菱形在包含方。 3.6 依赖关系 有两个元素如果修改X的定义可能会导致对Y的定义,则认为Y依赖X。 表示方法:依赖关系用虚线箭头表示。 4、StarUML类图介绍 4.1 Toolbox介绍 4.2 类组件的基本操作介绍 从左到右从上到下依次为: ...
StarUML to PlantUML Converter This repository contains a plugin to convert StarUML models to PlantUML diagrams. It's a simple and easy-to-use tool that extracts classes and associations from StarUML and generates PlantUML syntax to visualize them. Features Extracts UML Classes, attributes, operat...
STAR UML 简述<二> 14. 添加类和接口的关系 l 可以通过从toolbox中 选择表示“Realization”的箭头,并从Circle拖拽向IShape, 使Circle实现接口IShape。重复同样的过程,为Rectangle添 加实现关系。这是添加了Circle 和 Rectangle对于IShape接 口的实现关系。
Samstar: An automatic tool for generating star schemas from an entity-relationship diagramI-Y SongR KhareY AnS LeeS-P KimJ KimY-S MoonSummary: While online transaction processing (OLTP) databases are modeled with Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs), data warehouses constructed from these OLTP ...
I am working on a star schema physical database model in Sparx EA I'd like to tag tables as "Fact" or "Dimension", then I'd like to utilise this with a few features. Stereotypes look promising for this. I've created two "stereotypes" from the "UML Types" button in the Configure/...
“Very very good UML tool, extremely stable & provides all the necessary features while avoiding the unnecessary bells & whistles of other products.” (Component Source, 2015) “Create both simple and complex UML diagrams using this comprehensive software solution that offers you a large set of ...