Starfleet command is a game set on recreating the starfleet battles boardgame in videogame form. It is a reasonably faithful adaptation, but rather than creating a star trek themed computer strategy game, the focous of the game was on recreating the boardgame it was based on, warts and all....
Is not the perfect RTS, but is certainly the best in the Star Trek universe. The campaign will take you the TNG, DS9 & VOY era. It is set just after the events of ST:Voyager to be more precise, but the 3 series are referenced. Each faction has its own campaign so each map you...
Still, I think it fair to say that it comes as close to simulating the experience of commanding a Federation starship as any Star Trek game has to date, even if it doesn't entirely hit the mark. More 2 of 2 Moby users rated this review helpful. Did you find this review helpful?
Review Text "The Examples" continues the recent trend ofDiscoverysuccess through straightforwardness, telling relatively crisp and effective stories in a very conventionally Trekkian way. Again, we're not breaking the mold or exhibiting excellence here so much as executing relatively well upon past co...
ready to embark on the mission into the Fire Caves. Noteworthy is how Winn doesn't even look up from her reading when Dukat proudly swaggers into the room, for this is a partnership based on mutually understood exploitation. And their trek through the Fire Caves is the prelude to a separa...
Command or corrupt an entire galaxy in the definitive Star Wars strategy collection. Take the reins of the Rebellion, control the Empire or rule the...
Review Text Nutshell: Wow. A brilliant start. Extremely dark and compelling. When "Call to Arms" aired and the Federation lost DS9, my one real hope was that they wouldn't get the station back in a single episode. I hoped this situation would be around for awhile, and that we would...