: The Star Trek Gallery, find more than 20000 pictures of Star Trek, Star Trek original, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Star Trek Generation and movies, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek:
Star Trekcast reprising their roles See alsoChronology•List of canon characters•List of canon starships•Voice acting v·d·e The starshipsEnterprise NX-01•NCC-1701(Kelvin Timeline)•NCC-1701-A•NCC-1701-B•NCC-1701-C
Enterprise-C captain, you'd better get used to being in the here and now.Dive In! Scenes from Star Trek: Section 31 A threat unlike anything Starfleet's ever seen.Take a look! Star Trek: Voyager's 'Caretaker': Original Script vs. Finished Pilot For the 30th anniversary of the series...
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Overload that Warp Core and build a fort in a Jeffrey's Tube because here you'll find our collection of ultra-sweet Star Trek T-Shirts. Make First Contact!
USSEnterprise(NCC-1701) USSEnterprise(NCC-1701-A) DieEnterprise-F wurde ursprünglich als neuesFlaggschiffder Sternenflotte für das ComputerspielStar Trek Onlineentwickelt. Im Spiel steht das Schiff unter dem Kommando vonCaptainVa'Kel Shon.
熟悉《星际旅行》系列的人当然都知道,「2017年1月」寓意「NCC-1701」,也就是著名的「进取号」(USS Enterprise)的编号。但是因为种种变故,该剧最终被推迟到2017年9月播出。虽然剧组有了更充裕的时间来打磨该剧,但「1701」的好兆头却没有了。这部剧集在坊间传说已久,2015年11月终于获得正式预订,期间至少经历了...
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the Enterprise-B had to respond to a distress call that put it in the path of a Nexus energy ribbon, which led to the loss of the legendary captain of the Enterprise NCC-1701. This model is die-cast, hand-painted, and comes with an in-depth magazine featuring product artwork and highl...