Nacelle Opens Up Pre-Sale for Upcoming Star Trek Action Figure Line Wave One includes fan-favorites and deep cuts such as Weyoun, Tuvix, and Mirror Archer!Get the deets! Production on Season 4 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Officially Underway Series stars shared a photo from set!Hit It...
Every ship needs a wesley and now you can be it. Fans of Wesley are going to love this cool shirt. Star Trek TNG Wesley Crusher Polo Officially-licensedStar Trek: The Next Generationmerchandise A ThinkGeek exclusive Grey 3-button polo with stripes, just like Wesley Crusher’s Season 1 unif...
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Star Trek: The Next Generation made several design changes to its version of the Starfleet uniform after the 2nd season, mainly because the original uniforms were causing significant problems for the actors. Star Trek: The Next Generation was the second series in the Star Trek franchise. It ran...
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VIDEO UPDATE! We're expanding our YouTube library with episodic trailers for "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Season 5! Feb 22, 2025 WeeklyTrek: STARFLEET ACADEMY Wraps Season 1 Production The latest WeeklyTrek podcast is here! This week: STARFLEET ACADEMY wraps its first season, newly-announced...
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Starting with the next film,Star Trek: First Contact, theTNGcast finally got their new movie uniforms, which had blue-grey shoulders over colored turtlenecks — a look that was so popular,DS9adopted it in season 5 and it became the standardStar Trekuniform for years after. But there are ...