"Things Past" was the 106th episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the 8th episode of the show's fifth season, first aired during the week of 18 November 1996. The episode was written by Michael TaylorMA and directed by LeVar Burton. Benjamin Sisko, Jadz
All in all, I thought this was a great addition to the Star Trek series and a great transition from the original Star Trek crew to the new Star Trek crew. Also, I love this film because you need to know very little about the original Star Trek films to enjoy this film. The only t...
This article concerns itself with the general production and performances of the official Star Trek theatrical feature films as produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures, having been the full rights title holder from 1979 (Star Trek: The Motion Pict
so I can be quite the critic and hard to please. Too many though to find the time to review every single one on this website. However, over the past couple of years I have ventured into the project of chronologically watching every episode of Star Trek in release order, then reviewing ...
(though it is those things), it’s also about something. Director Nicholas Meyer made a movie about what it means to get old, about dealing with the fact that you aren’t the man you once were, a movie about regrets and facing the mistakes of your past. All the bestStar Trekis ...
“Heritage” pack of starships forSTO, featuring vessels from classicStar Trekgames from years past. Along with theTyphonand theValkyrie II/Valorfighter fromStar Trek: Invasion, the new pack also includes the U.S.S.PremonitionfromStar Trek: Armadaand the U.S.S.AchillesfromStar Trek: Deep ...
However, Horner turned the offer down, saying his "career had moved past Star Trek." Meyer then offered the film to composer Jerry Goldsmith, but he turned it down, citing the poor results of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, which he had also worked on. The film eventually went to ...
Star Trek has been going strong for 58 years. As morality plays dressed up into classic sci-fi stories, the episodes are made possible by the characters. While other sci-fi franchises depend on action and metaphor, Star Trek is essentially character driven. We as fans truly invest in these...
又名"Star Trek: The Next Gen... 编剧 吉恩·罗登贝瑞Brannon Br...主演 帕特里克·斯图尔特乔纳森·弗雷克斯勒瓦尔·布尔顿迈克尔·多恩盖茨·迈克范登 剧情 Past, present and future collide for Captain Picard as he finds himself bouncing around through three different time periods -- the Farpoint.....
playStar Trek. It was my introduction to imagination. So, to suddenly be asked to walk onto the bridge and sit in the captain’s chair, I mean, I'm starting to get emotional just talking about it. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's one of those things that happens and you go, “OK...