Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Section 31 Star Trek Nemesis Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek: First Contact Star Trek: The Motion Pi...
In fact, Star Trek: The Next Generation won 18 Emmy Awards. The series formed the basis of the seventh through tenth Star Trek films. Capt. Picard : Space... The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To...
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Starship Mine (TV Episode 1993) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 舰长日志 星历 41386.4 Captain's log, star date 41386.4. 我们正在追击一艘 Ferengi 样式的星舰 We're in pursuit of a starship of Ferengi design. 我们的任务是拦截并取回一个 被 Fer... : The Star Trek Gallery, find more than 20000 pictures of Star Trek, Star Trek original, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Star Trek Generation and movies, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek:
Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?E1-E2 宇宙 人类的终极边疆 Space, the final frontier. 星舰进取号hearts;的旅程 These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. 是为了持续她的任务 探索未知的新
星际舰长startrek中英文下一代 E1-E2 宇宙人类的终枀边疆 Space,thefinalfrontier. 星舰进取号♥的旅程 ThesearethevoyagesoftheStarshipEnterprise. 是为了持续她的仸务探索未知的新世界 Itscontinuingmission,toexplorestrangenewworlds,... 寻找新生命以及新文明 ..toseekoutnewlifeandnewcivilizations,... 勇敢地航向...
Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?舰长日志 星历41235.25 Captains log, star date 41235.25. 我们的位置 行星Ligon Ⅱ Our location, Planet Ligon II, 联邦行星Styris Ⅳ急需的一种疫苗的来源地 source
Star Trek: The Next Generation《星际旅行:下一代(1987)》第一季第十八集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 舰长日志 星历 41463.9 Captain's log, star date 41463.9. 联邦要求我们 We have been asked by the Federation 去拜访 Velara Ⅲ号♥上的拓荒者 to visit a group terraforming ...
星际旅行1:无限太空(Star_Trek_The_Motion_Picture)1979_中英对照_台词本_纯英文单词版 热度: 舰长日志星历41255.6 Captain'slog,stardate41255.6. 在把地球殖民者送到Strnab太阳系后 AfterdeliveringEarthcoloniststotheStrnabsolarsystem, 我们在Rubicun星系上发现了另一个M级行星 ...